5. A perfect

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🔹 For Katniss Everdeen; the first character I realized was as flawed as I am.🔹

(This fan-art is amazing and everyone who reads this deserves to see it

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(This fan-art is amazing and everyone who reads this deserves to see it.)

Read to the end for an announcement!!


Am I the only one who can't draw a straight line to save my life?

Any line I draw is either slant, or even sometimes so wonky it can compete with a bell curve in the "best curve" competition. When I'm drawing a face, I can't ever get the eyes to be the same size, or the lips.

These are small things that -for some unfathomable reason- are ridiculously hard for me to do.

You -the one reading- might be able to navigate these tasks with ease, but I'm sure that if you think a while, you'll find some seemingly simple thing that you can't do. Maybe it's tying a perfect tie knot, maybe it's writing in a straight line, maybe it's putting the dot exactly on top of the i in a word. It doesn't matter what it is, just that there are in fact a multitude of things that you can't seem to get just right.

That's true for everything apparently-

DNA replication has a perfection rate of over 90%. Most theories and laws in Physics apply to 98% of all phenomena; Resonance takes precedence over Inductive bond effect everywhere except with a small substituted benzene reaction.

Tiny imperfections exist everywhere in our understanding.

But here's something fun - no diamonds would sparkle if they were perfect. Light would just pass straight through diamonds if they were perfectly isotropic.

If everyone was perfect, no one would learn. If people knew everything, no one would smile, because once you know everything, there's nothing more to discover.

Think about it. If a person was perfect, then... then they'd be...well... perfect. Your little brother wouldn't nurse the end of a pencil in his mouth when he's thinking; the cutest person in class wouldn't have that adorable cow lick. Your own room would never be comfortably messy if you're perfect.

No one would apologize, because no one is ever wrong. No one would be curious if everyone was perfect.

So, when everyone's perfect, not much actually will be.

Perfection is a destination, and the thing about destinations in life is that each destination is merely a small village on the highway, leading to yet another place that you think is a metropolis, but which turns out to be just another village as you find something bigger further on.

But it is perfection that we need in our understanding. We may never achieve that. We may have to strive for an eternity only to realize that all we've done is take a few steps on the dirtiest, ickiest path to that beautiful arbor in our minds.

I'm not sure about most of you, but whenever I put an effort think of something, I get either hopelessly muddled, or end up with the most startling conclusions.

Most things in day to day life are subjective. You get to decide what you like and what you don't. You get to decide the perfect "messy" level for your room; you get to decide the perfect amount of sugar in your coffee.

In short, you get to decide your own tiny version of perfection.

This is what people mean when they say that "you're amazing, just the way you are" if you think you're perfect, you invariably are; because your perfection is your own and in the end that's all that matters.

I noticed many things today, and what I realized was my meaning of perfection.


To truly feel confident and comfortable with yourself, you need to accept that you and only you have complete control over what you see, do, feel and believe.

That being said, I am so glad I finally managed to get this chapter up; partly because I really like this and more so because the power supply to my house and wattpad itself seemed to be dead against it.

Announcement: I have an idea for this fun event that I want to do for you guys! Comment if you'd be into that. Stay tuned for the details!

I don't say this enough, but hanks for you support. It means a whole lot to me.

As always, share this so others can see it too, hit the star to vote and comment with your thoughts. I'd love to read and respond.

Have an amazing day :)

- Pranav

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