The End.

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Hi everyone!!

Hope y'all enjoyed welcoming the new year!
Me personally? I stayed home, with family which is kinda the best right?

But coming to the point, I owe all of you an apology.

I left this book just like I left that last chapter, with no ending; and for that I am sorry.

Originally, I'd intended to write a little more to this, but the last chapter just seemed so final that I didn't want to restart it. Besides, I already felt like I was pushing it.

So here's to the end.
This chilly new year's morning, upstairs in the room I'm supposed to be studying in, I finally let go of What I Noticed today. I enjoyed publishing this so so much and I'd really like to thank all of you for everything.
The reading, the commenting, the sharing; I'll be forever grateful.

Never could I have imagined that anything I'd ever write could get hundreds of reads.

Now, with the way Wattpad's algorithm works, this book will probably get buried amidst the thousands of other newer entries, as it has already been. That's how it is and I'm glad for it. It's sad for me, but I'll know about it, and you'll know about it and hopefully you'll come back to read what I had to say some cold night, or early morning.
Hopefully, I've written something that good.

As always, thanks for sticking around and have an amazing time!

- Pranav

[ if you guys want to follow anything else I might write- and I promise I'll try my best to- find me on Instagram @the_book_bender] mention a user

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