Chapter 11. The Outcome.

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Its getting late, I can feel the stress of the day draining away, along with my energy. Sally was fun to play with and Jeff was funny when teasing her. He'd say something stupid and sally would stomp around like the little kid she is. And at one point Jeff got kicked in the stomach. I might never know how sally managed that one.
Masky stayed out of my way luckily. It was a good day to say the least. I walk to my room letting out a yawn. Everyone here seems to trust me, and it just so happens there's a town about two hours from here. Wonder if I could-
"Gah!" I fall back as someone opens my door. "Oh! U-uh...hey...(y/n)...." says a familiar voice. "Toby....what were you doing in my room..." I ask. I can't really help but glare, I know he can't see me but, seriously? My room? Of all the rooms?
"I heard a noise and s-so I came to i-investigate. I was j-just making sire it wasn-sn't a murderer or something like th-a-at." he giggles slightly. I guess he hasn't caught on but he IS a murderer. ".....oh...r-right....." he says. I can feel the sudden realisation of stupidity from here. I stand up shaking my head and growl walking past him and shoving him out into the hall. "Moron...." I mumble.
Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary when I turn around. My bed hasn't been moved, nothings on fire. What could he have possibly needed? I shake my head clearing my thoughts and sit on my bed. Everything could change tonight if I leave. If I stay there's no telling what will happen. I'm not a murderer, I'm simply...cursed so to speak. Whatever Toby needed is of no importance to me. I need to focus on when and how I'm going to leave. The window seems like a good choice, if I walked out the door in the day they might not suspect anything but at the same time, I would be easier to track down. Out the window in the dept of night is kind of cliches but...what choice do I have?
I nod to myself standing up and as I reach for the window there's a faint knock. "(Y/n)? Slender n-needs you." Toby says. I grimace at the words. I take a step away and walk to the door opening it and stepping into the hall, "k." I say. We make it to spenders quarters where I immediately recognise masky's signature. I walk in and glance towards him but say nothing. "Timothy has a mission tonight...(y/n)... As his partner that-" slender can't even put the thought in my head before a curse under my breath. "Yeah. I got it... So... When do we leave?" I ask trying to hide the hint of anger in my voice. So much for my escape plan...
A slight ruffle of fabric beside me signals movement and I look to masky, only to see he is no longer standing there. I turn to the door and see him reaching for the handle. Without another word I follow after him.
We make it outside in an awkward silence but it really isn't as awkward as the time Jackson had to introduce me to his girlfriend. I swear my smile wasn't convincing enough. Hm...come to think of it I almost forgot about him completely. I facepalm before feeling eyes on me. I straighten up and clear my throat. "...what....was that?" masky asks. I can feel my cheeks heating up. "Nothing..." I reply.
It really is nothing, just a memory.
Although my internal clock is currently in smithereens, I can tell its been about a good hour and a half of akward silence and walking. As we reach our targets destination I can feel the lump in my throat grow. I swallow hard and grip my knife tighter. Masky stops behind a tall energy, like many we have passed. I stare at the tree for a minute taking into account that it actually has a different energy then the rest. Its a weaker energy. Probably why it took so long to recognise. I glance to the house to see all the currents of electricity running up and down and spiralling around. "Who's the target?" I ask. "The kid. Brown hair, short, male, upstairs, second room to the left." he says. I nod. Masky takes off towards the backdoor and I follow quickly. He picks the lock and opens the door with the stealth of a true predator. I sneak in first looking around, I can almost make out everything but my foot snags on a small piece of carpet. I can hear small breathy chuckles behind me as I turn and glare. Ignoring my mishap I turn back towards what I'm assuming is the kitchen. Wires run up walls and around corners, I can almost see the layout of the house from it. I make my way past counters and to a doorway, hopefully, I won't trip on anything. Turning to my right I step up. Stairs, good. I climb up the steps and slowly sneak towards the kids room. "No! Don't do it!" I hear come from a room down the hall. "Sam! I have to. Its the only way to save this planet. Voldai needs me." I roll my eyes. Its a show I used to watch. Can't remember the name... Some aliens thing. People are sent into space to fight the aliens invading earth before humanity is enslaved only to find out that they were actually humans. Humans invading the humans. I will never understand that plot twist. Anyways, afterwords they team up and go farther into space saving other planets. Its weird.
I shake my head clearing my thoughts a second before reaching for the handle, masky is downstairs still. I walk in shutting the door behind me and pulling my knife to the ready. I don't like this... 
Everything's quiet and I can make out a energy in the shape of a person. They look like their floating. A bed. Good, sleeping is good, easier to kill them without getting caught. I really don't want to do this...can't I just say I did and leave?
I walk closer to the bed raising my knife. The lump in my throat grows as I start to shake. "H-hello?..." I hear. The boy was waking up. I swung my knife down fast in a panic but I missed him. He rolls over and jumps on me pinning me down. "Mo-" he yells but I silence him quickly by headbutting him square in the face. "Ow ow ow...dammit..." I mumble. "M-my mask. Oh shit is it broken?!" I say quietly. I feel around it to notice nothing wrong. I sigh in relief and look at the boy in front of me. He's around my age. Seems strong. I shift my mask and raise my knife running at him again. He's on the ground now's my- shit!
Before I have time to react I fell back clutching my gut. How's he kick me? I barely saw him move! "Who...the hell...are you?" he asks. I gasp for air a second as he stands. He starts to walk closer and I quickly push away. "I don't want to kill you....I swear. I don't have a choice...." I answer. I don't know what else to say. Suddenly he's in my face. I don't recognise him. His energy. Never seen it. But he seems so familiar... He reaches for my mask and I pull away quickly raising my hand and generating as much electricity as possible. Not to my advantage though. He grabs my wrist and tanks the mask off of me with barely any struggle. I close my eyes shut tight so he can't see them. Not much use though because all it takes is a hit in my leg before I open my eyes as a reflex to the pain. "Blind? How did you get here said you had no choice right? Is someone threatening you?" he asks. I look around his face not sure where his eyes are and nod. "They'll kill me..." I answer. He simply nods and loosens his grip. My knife...where's my knife....he was holding my arm so tight I almost lost all feeling...where's my knife??
"Oh? Looking for this thing?" he says lifting a hand. My guess is that metal if sound is exactly what I'm missing. "Give it back!" I growl. He pushes me back a little more than roughly and stands up. "Nah. Are you alone?" he asks. I growl again sitting up and lifting myself to my feet. "I don't have to answer that." I reply. The door handle wiggles a little before a familiar energy walks in. "You're taking too long (y/n)....does he really have your knife? Jeff is going to love this..." he says. "Shut up masky! Its your mission! You kill him. I don't want to." I say sticking out my tongue. "...(y/n)...your eyes...." he says. Instantly I know exactly what my mistake is. "I'm not blind genius. I just look it. I was born like this." I lie. I can't help but hope he doesn't notice. "Ah. Weird. Then again I guess I can't say much about that now can I?" he says. I can almost hear the smile. "So...if you could kill the kid and get my knife back that's be sweet. I'm just going to sit in the corner covering my ears and pretending this is all just a horror movie..." I say walking towards a corner. The kid growls running at masky and before I can even cover my ears I hear SLLLKKKK. I flinched a little at it. Two energies. One the boys and one masky's. One was fading fast. "Lets go home now." masky says. I nod grabbing my mask from the floor. Hopefully its dark enough he didn't see my scars. We start to walk out of the house when I hear rain. Its raining... I used to love the rain...but now its just a headache. There's an electric surge and my head starts pounding. Lightning....the exact reason I hate the rain...
We start heading back to the mansion when I glance behind me. "Hey masky..I left something at the house...I'll be eight back.." I say. Masky doesn't reply but simply nods. I run back towards the house well out of his sight and make a detour. I start running towards the streets and into the town. I find its getting a bit crowded which is good. I won't be found. I hope. It all seems too easy and I can find myself laughing at it. "You do realise the house was back in that direct...right?" masky's voice cuts in. I stop in my tracks. "Damn..." I whisper. "Come on. Home." he says. He doesn't sound annoyed or anything. He sounds flat. Unamused. So much for running...maybe I can try again?
"I wouldn't be plotting another escape. It'll end with a bit more blood then you would care for." he says. I'm guessing he means he'll kill it...

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