Part 2

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I tap my fingertips on the desk, frowning slightly at my own eyes staring back at me. The servants couldn't have polished the wood better, I notice before my ears make out the sound of one particular servant talking in front of my door. With a smirk, I prop my arm up on the dark wood and rest my chin in the palm of my hand, watching the door closely. He finally brought my new contractee, and I'm sure that human's going to smell even better up close.

Allorian only opens the door wide enough to slip inside, leaving Sebastiano in the corridor - not that I mind. My senses are flooded by his presence, and I inhale deeply, a growl rising from the back of my throat. After the failures sent by the agency the last couple tries, he's perfect. The shoulder-length hair hugs his strong jawline, softening his symmetrical features. His lips have a natural red that's only going to deepen once I get my hands on him, and not just my hands. The mere thought makes me hard - and his smell. It's enticing. 

I have to have him.

"Come closer," I order him calmy while desires run rampant inside my body. My eyes are fixed on his throat, noticing that he swallows before stepping closer. Guess being around a vampire is making him nervous; expected, especially because he's never been bitten before. My nostrils flare, the only motion I'm unable to suppress while I listen to his racing heartbeat. His apprehension is sounding absolutely lovely.

"Take off your clothes."

I watch him obey my order, the beat of his heart quickening yet again, causing the veins at his neck to pulse fervently. The skin above them vibrates invitingly. This is going to be so much more fun than I thought it would be, given that he's simply obeying my every order without uttering a single word, complaint or not. He reveals his tanned skin and chiselled abs, looking absolutely delicious. Can't wait to sink my fangs into him.

Which reminds me. 

"Come closer. I have to check if you've got any disease," I murmur while grabbing a knife from the top drawer.

Not that I think he does, at least as far as I can smell, but before I actually catch anything and end up going through hell because of a little carelessness, I should check properly. It's only a matter of seconds anyway - at least if he were kind enough to do as I asked him to. Instead, Allorian shuffles backwards when his gaze settles on the knife. I frown disapprovingly. While I like the fear that has his blood pumping loudly, I really don't want him chickening out on me.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would've done so already. I need to cut your skin and smell your blood. That way, I'll know if you've got anything I could catch. I don't think you do, but smelling it through the skin isn't as certain," I explain softly so as not to scare him further, yet he still seems indecisive. My patience wearing thin, I grab his wrist and pull him towards me. His body tenses, but his strength is no match for mine - perks of being a vampire.

His skin is warm, and I can feel the blood vessel pulsing beneath my fingers. The prospect of blood causes me to inhale deeply again, overwhelming me with his scent. I can't quite place it, but there's something unique about him that I haven't tasted before. At least not that I remember.

"That's a nice smell," I compliment him, unable to help myself. I doubt he cares and it probably just creeps him out, but a good meal shouldn't go unappreciated. I trail my tongue along the upper rim of my teeth, asserting pressure on the sensitive skin above my fangs that is tingling in anticipation. Just another moment.

I slash the knife across his forearm, and the skin opens to let out his warm blood. My eyes narrow at the sight, fixated on the small red pool that is forming. The tingling at the base of my fangs turns into the maddening itching that I've grown accustomed to, and the thought of even a single drop of that precious fluid going to waste is almost too much. I lean closer, my lips already curling back to reveal my fangs. When my nose is hovering right above the cut, I sniff a couple times - just to make sure there's really no reason not to indulge myself.

"Did you sign the contract?" 

My voice sounds hoarse to my over-sensitive ears that have tuned in to catch even the smallest sound my prey might make. Allorian nods - and screams in pain when I bite down on his arm, sinking my fangs into his muscles. I moan against him while his blood rushes through the thin canal in my fangs and straight onto my tongue, spreading the sweetness. He tries to jerk away, but hell, I'm not going to have that. He fucking signed up for this, and I'm paying shit. He's mine now - and I'm not going to let him go.

My hold remains firm even when he falls until he's half lying, half sitting and his arm is twisted in a degree that is bound to be uncomfortable. I'm not being nice here, but it's not like I'm doing lasting damage, so who cares. He's going to get over it.

I bite down hard to feel the pressure of his firm flesh against my teeth. Before he has the chance to notice, I stop the moan that's already rising in my throat. Right now isn't the time for that stuff, though I'm definitely going to enjoy all of his body first chance I get.

Which reminds me. Work. My money might make money all on its own, but I do need to take care of some paperwork - and make calls. It's kind of what my whole life consist of. Making calls.

I pull away with a sigh that gets drowned out by Allorian's sharp hiss when my fangs slip out of him. He clutches his arm to his chest protectively and narrows his eyes at me.

"Shit, that hurt," he murmurs while his face contorts in pain. I roll my eyes inwardly; he's being a bit of a drama queen. Slowly, he gets back to his feet. While his fingers hide the knife wound and bite marks, I can still see some dried blood clutching his skin. My tongue darts upwards, pushing against my palate so I can suck some spit through my fangs, clearing away the last of his blood. I marvel at the taste once more.

I lean back in the leather chair, folding my hands in my lap. "You've got a really distinctive taste. Are your parents from overseas?"

"My mother is half Danish, half Asian," he replies tersely, rubbing his arm. He's cute when he's uncomfortable.

"Interesting. I've never had Danish before," I admit with a slight smirk. My thoughts are almost doubling over while my eyes roam his naked chest. "You can go now. Sebastiano will show you to your room. Take a shower. I expect you in my room at eleven."

He nods briefly, then leaves without a word. When he's gone, I allow myself a heartfelt, lengthy groan and run a hand through my hair, staring at the closed door. My pants are too tight around my hips after this encounter, yet I shouldn't rush in head over heels. He must be feeling restless himself; I saw the way he checked me out.

"Let's take it slow," I mumble to myself and rub my face before I get back to work. My fangs are disagreeing though, pulsing distractingly, but I refuse to give in. Just a couple calls. Maybe I'll finish earlier.

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