Part 3

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Of course, I finished later than I had intended. When I finally make my way to my bedroom, I find Allorian sitting on the floor, his back resting against the wall. His head is tilted aside, exposing his neck to me in an innocent invitation. The mere sight of him makes my chest constrict and pleasure ripples up and down from there, to my swelling member and my tingling jawline.

I crouch down next to him. My hand finds his sculptured features on its own, cupping his cheek. I brush his hair back, my thumb sliding across his skin, and my breath hitches while I marvel at this sleeping beauty. He murmurs softly, yet he doesn't seem awake.

"Please." The word is barely audible even to my vampiric ears. I briefly wonder what he's begging for before he leans into my palm, turning his head to place a kiss onto it. The unconscious act chases away any coherent thought, reminding me of what's going to be happening soon enough. I grin at the prospect of thrusting all I have into him. There's nothing better than feeding and fucking at the same time.

I place my hands onto his hips to hold him down, and the amount of muscles I find surprises me. While I saw his body a couple hours ago, I didn't think touching him would feel this good. My hands slip beneath his shirt, exploring his skin while I trail kisses along his jawline. He moans softly, a heavenly sound. I admit I haven't heard much of his voice yet - besides the screaming.

Pressing my nose into the crevasse beneath his ear, I inhale deeply. The strong scent invades my nostrils and overwhelms my thoughts with decisive force. There's only one way to enjoy his body right now, and it requires me to wake him up for good. My fingers dig into his hips, and I bury my fangs in his neck, sucking hard.

His scream echoes through my head, ringing in my ears that he pretty much directly assaulted, and I groan in annoyance. He throws his head to the side, but my jaw is locked. Even these puny excuses for a punch that he throws my way are barely noticable. I simply keep sucking, certain he's going to calm down sooner or later when he notices what's going on.

I blow up my cheeks to keep a pool of blood inside my mouth, then delve my tongue into it, coating every inch. The ferrous taste is perfectly balanced, reminding me of the scent of aged wine. It's intense, and there's no trace of anything that doesn't belong.

My hand finds its way onto his quivering stomach, then travels upwards to caress his chest. He finally relaxes, and now his own fingers set out to explore. His heavy panting sends humid air across my ear. I growl when he starts fumbling at my zipper, slowly and awkwardly finding access to my throbbing member. I shift around until I'm on my knees, allowing his hand into my pants. With his fingers wrapped around my erection, he starts pumping it, causing me to moan loudly against his skin. My jaw relaxes when the sound escapes my lips. Guess this is a good a moment to move this to the bedroom.

"Get inside," I get out between heavy pants, feeling as dishevelled as he looks. He regards the door as if it might bite him before carefully getting to his feet as well, steadying himself with one hand at the door. I don't think he can look any more helpless, and it just makes me want to eat him up. My fangs agree, so does my cock.

When he doesn't move, I turn and make my way into the bedroom. The room is lit by a crackling fire in the hearth. Allorian follows as expected. Seriously, he's so obedient.

I can't help but grin when he just stands there, looking like he has no clue what's going to happen next. He glances around the room. 

I shrug off my suit jacket, glad to finally get out of it.

"Take your clothes off," I tell him because he's still busy checking out my furniture. His throat moves audibly, and he proceeds to strip, one item at a time. He might be mortal, but he's one beautiful human being. Maybe it's the fact that he doesn't act like it, though really, there could be anything going on behind those stoic features.

When he's undressed to his briefs, he glances up from the floor, his fingers lingering at the hem of the fabric. His gaze travels up my body, briefly stopping at my hips. His eyes widen at the sight, then he focuses on my legs again before removing his briefs. He's clearly not enjoing this as much as he should be.

I wonder why. Most humans are fawning over me like moths, and yeah, some might dislike the biting, but it's not that bad. Just a little bit of pain; nothing he can't get used to. Maybe it's something else.

"You've got experience with men?" I ask just to make sure. After all, he could've lied at the agency. Wouldn't have been the first one. When he nods, I guess he's just being nervous, which is kind of cute.

I smirk. "Good. Then get on your knees."

I can hear the rush of air when he takes a sharp intake of breath, and he moves more eagerly now when he kneels down in front of me. Shit, I just want him down there. I put my hands onto his shoulders impatiently, pushing him the last inches and causing him to sway. He clutches at my hips. With his perfect lips so close to my cock, I can't help but thrust it into his face.

I stare at him mesmerized. His tongue flips out, giving a wet shine to his full lips before they part. The anticipation is killing me, so when he finally takes me in to tentatively suck at my tip, my fingers dig into his shoulders. I moan loudly, dropping my head forwards.

"Use your teeth on me and I'll use mine on you." I grin at the prospect, assuming he's going to scrape my skin sooner or later. He actually moans at that and fuck, now I really want to bite him again. The tingling at the base of my fangs flares up strongly, and I press my tongue against them to soothe it.

I thrust into his mouth in an attempt to let the pleasure overrule my vampiric desires. My cock hits the back of his throat, and I have to keep Allorian close with my hands on his shoulders because he'd jerk away otherwise. I push harder, feeling him gag.

Use your teeth...

He thrusts his hands against my hips, pushing firmly - so I finally release him. After all, I can just bite him anyway. That's what I'm paying him for.

He's panting heavily, and I can't help but stare at his expanding chest, at his throat. I hear the air rushing into his lungs.

"You've got a nice throat," I murmur. He immediately puts a hand to where I bit him a couple minutes ago - which just reminds me of how fucking good that had felt. I gnaw at the inside of my lower lip, then get to my knees as well, staring straight at him.

"Lower your arm."

He complies hesitantly, but without a complaint. I bring my lips to his neck, then slip my tongue out to press it against the soft skin that's hiding his blood from me. He shivers beneath me, clutching at my upper arms. While he might be afraid, he's definitely enjoying the attention. My lips curl back into a grin, and I wrap my fingers around his cock.

"Don't be afraid," I whisper and feel his skin vibrate against my lips as another wave of shivers travels through him. He moans into my ear; he's perfect. He's neither throwing himself at my feet nor bitching about why the biting hurts.

I chuckle when he moans again, actually delighted to have him around. Most humans are so annoying, and I really need someone around to relax with. I inhale his scent and desire hits me hard,  forcing me to thrust my fangs into him. He screams sweetly and falls into my arms. A low moan resonates in my throat, creating a seemingly endless sound.

"It hurts," he complains. Guess I can forgive him for that slip-up. After all, he's still only human. I move my hands between his shoulder blades to lower him to the ground; a small attempt to make him more comfortable. Somehow, he still thinks he has to jerk away, though, eliciting a disapproving growl from my throat while I bite down instinctively.

He curses quietly, then seems to remember what exactly it was that he signed up for. Spreading his legs, he invites me closer. My erection rubs against his crotch, and I rest my weight on his chest to lift his legs. He complies obediently, wrapping them around my hips. Guess this is as far as we'll get on the ground.

I pull back with a sigh and he winces when my fangs glide through his flesh.

"The lube's in the drawer next to the bed, so we'll have to move," I explain reluctantly, glancing in the direction. Vampires might have certain superpowers, but telekinesis isn't one of them. I finally push myself up and away from him, eager to get onto the bed and on with it. When he crawls onto the sheets after me, there's really nothing I'd rather do than pin him down and fuck him senseless.

"Lie down on your stomach, ass up."

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