Part 6

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"Someone smells nice," I hear Leo muse right when we round the corner. He whirls around, sending his red curls bouncing, then greets me with that dazzling smile of his. "If it isn't Dael! Of course, you're the one bringing the delicious treat."

I roll my eyes at him. As my best friend, he should know that I won't settle for mediocre. "Yeah, yeah. Just keep a distance of five steps to him and I won't rip your head off."

He laughs, already walking over to us to give me a tight hug. I rub his back in return, then frown in irritation when Allorian is literally flabbergasted by the fact that I have friends. Seriously, I'm not that bad.

Leo takes a step back and shakes his head at me. "Come on. First time in ages you bring someone along and that's it? Not even sharing with me?"

I chuckle at that. After all, he's always hated it when I'm feeding on his humans, something that's happened quite a lot after I left my family, hence his suggestion that I try out an agency. 

"He sucked him dry last night!" Sig suddenly chimes in, earning himself my glare while literally, everyone else narrows their eyes at me. "So I doubt there's anything left to share."

And here we go.

"Seriously, Dael. Stop acting like the rules don't apply to you." Leo sighs, then gives me that tight-lipped smile on his that he always shows when he wants to lecture me despite knowing that it won't have an effect. "Let me guess, you're threatening him into staying with you?"

As if I'm always doing that.

"Just told him I wouldn't let him leave with a drop of blood in his body," I admit and shrug. Gosh, they all know I'm more on the intimidating side of things, so they might as well stop being so judgemental. "Can't let it go to waste."

Therese steps closer with a disapproving frown on her face, her full lips pursed. She pushes her hips out to one side to rest a hand on them. "It's because of guys like you that we've got such a bad reputation."

I roll my eyes at her. We've been down that road far too many times. "Yeah, yeah. I'm the root of all evil. Nothing new. You know, I know, he knows."

I nod towards Allorian, and she gives him a sympathetic look that, surprisingly, annoys the hell out of him. "Can't you take this serious for once? Look at him. He's human. You could have him drooling after you but instead, he looks miserable."

She can't be serious. I might not be lovey-dove fucking-smiley, but I'm far from miserable.

I almost snort when his thoughts echo through my mind, loud and clear. Allorian's nostrils flare, the only sight of how pissed off he actually is.

"Sorry if you don't like the way I look," he snaps, actually making her flinch. Therese's eyes widen in shock. Like, yes, I can talk. Hell, these people are annoying. "Stop sticking your nose into other people's business."

She immediately turns towards me, hissing, "Did you make him say that?"

I smirk, absolutely satisfied by Allorian's spite and the fact that no, I did not have a hand in it. She managed to make him angry all by herself.

Allorian narrows his eyes at me. "I'm leaving. Kill me if you want to, but I'm not putting up with that bitch talking about me like I'm not here anymore."

Then, he very ceremoniously stomps off. The moment he's rounded the corner, my lips blossom into a wide grin, and I dare laugh at Therese's stunned expression. She's staring at where he just disappeared.

Leo shakes his head at me. "Never thought I'd say this, but you guys suit each other."

"More like, deserve each other," Therese says with a sneer.

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