Part 1

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"Mr Leandro!" The agent practically bursts into my office, causing the maid to give me an apologetic look before she quietly closes the door again. I cock my head to the side as the man approaches with quick strides, a delighted smile stretching across his lips. "Steve Sturman, Donate yourself! agency. It's such a pleasure to meet you."

I get to my feet with a sigh and shake his hand that he basically thrust into my face, then gesture for him to sit down. It's almost creepy how pleased he seems to be, though I guess we'll be talking about a lot of money here, so that might have his spirits up.

The agent pulls a tablet from his bag and slides his finger across the smooth surface a couple times before his bright eyes find my gaze again. "Have you used an agency to find a suitable blood donor before?"

"I'm not just talking about blood here," I tell him nonchalantly, leaning forward on my elbows.

He laughs it off. "Well, I understand the vampiric need to combine feeding and-"

"Do you?" I ask, my voice low and my red eyes glued to his neck while I lean in far enough to rest my chin in the palm of my hand, giving him that signature smirk of mine that has my friends at my throat.

"Mr Leandro, I've been negotiating these contracts for almost four years now, so believe me when I say that yes, I do understand." He sighs and gives me a reproachful, maybe slightly annoyed glare that has me chuckling. I want to toy with him a bit more, besides-

"I'm hungry," I tell him pointedly.

"Well, then good that I'm here. Let's find you a suitable blood donor." He's absolutely unfazed by me which says a lot; I've been told numerous times that I'm too intimidating, yet given his focused attitude I think I should be able to turn it up a notch. I kind of like him, honestly, though his blood smells mediocre.

He's pretty mediocre in general, I notice. His face might be pretty, but there's nothing special about him, and he wears his blonde hair cropped short in an unflattering way.

"I prefer long hair."

He frowns at me, then takes a deep breath when he notices me staring at the puny mawn atop his head.

"Well, that's a start," he murmurs, and his finger taps away at the tablet. "Any other physical traits you would prefer?"

"Dark hair," I add before giving it some thought. "And colourful eyes, no brown."

Depending on the lighting, brown eyes could easily be red as well.

"He should be muscular, have a nice body. Not too small; he could be like 6 feet or so, I wouldn't mind."

"So no women?" He raises his eyebrows.

I snort at the mere thought. "Hell, no."

That actually has him crack an honest smile. Interesting. He continues to slide his finger across the tablet, concentrated.

"So, since you want to be doing more than just biting, any kinks or anything?"

"Just put down everything, I don't need some pussy."

His eyes sparkle with amusement. "No women, got it. So, how many times a day do you intend to feed?"

That's one hell of a stupid question. "As much as I want to."

He sighs, putting his tablet down on my desk so he can stare at me without any distractions. "Mr Leandro, we take the well-being of both contractees very seriously, and that means-"

"My well-being requires me to feed more often than other vampires." I return his gaze levelly, but he doesn't back down. Honestly, he just looks a bit more annoyed, which makes my fangs itch and cause me to entertain the idea of burying them in his neckline. I can already hear his sweet scream. Maybe he'd stop talking back to me, then.

"Your blood donor won't be of any use if he can't keep up the supply, will he?" he asks pointedly.

I roll my eyes at him. "I'm not stupid. I know how much I can drink safely."

"Well, our contracts promise the blood donor limitations when it comes to the amount of biting, and you will abide by those."

As if.

"Biting is allowed a maximum of four times a day, but no more than five times within two days and no more than twenty times a week."

"Yeah, fine."

"There will be fines if this clause is broken," he says with a straight face.

I roll my eyes. "And I said yeah, fine."

Steve takes a deep breath before putting his friendly 'I'm meeting a client'-smile back on. "Great. Then on to the next point; with which kind of people do you like to surround yourself, Mr Leandro?"

At my slight frown, he elaborates, "Do you want a blood donor who's a bit more chatty, someone who's more quiet?"

His voice trails off at the end, leaving me to fill in any traits that I would or would not prefer. Seriously, I'm not looking to find the love of my life.

"I'm looking for someone pretty to fuck and bite, does that cover it?" I allow my annoyance to slip into my voice. Again, Steve here doesn't seem to mind.

He nods. "No one particularly chatty or cuddly or any other kind of attention seeker, got it. We'll send someone over tomorrow; it usually takes some tries to find someone suitable, so just give us feedback on what you think about him, then we can include the data to adjust the profile."

Now he's really making it sound like some match-making gone wrong, but I guess I don't have anything to lose except a couple grand - and I've got enough of those. This should at least provide a little entertainment, and it saves me the trouble of searching for a human myself.

"Fine. Anything else you need from me?"

"No, that's it for now," he says, already getting to his feet. He holds his hand out for me to shake again, and I do so for formalities sake. "I'll e-mail you the general contract. Please make adjustments as you see fit, and I'll go over them and see what we can do."

I'm pretty sure he's looking forward to working through my adjustments already. I smirk but nod, then watch him leave. He literally mails the contract on his way out, and since this is really starting to be fun, I go over it right away. I know I should get some real work done, but who cares about that, really.

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