Chapter 1

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Emma is on her way from picking lunch up at Granny's to the Mayor's office for their monthly 'mommy calendar' creating when she begins to think about the drastic way her life has changed over the past two-ish years. She has gone from being a bale bondsperson to becoming Sherriff of this small town in Maine because her son asked her to save Fairytale Land... The kid is twelve years old now and still believes that this town is filled with fairytale characters that have forgotten their memories, and honestly the more he's talked, the more she's started to believe him.

She then starts to think about the mother of her child; the 'evil queen'. She doesn't believe that for a second... maybe two years ago she would have if she believed in the curse then, but she didn't... And now that she does, she doesn't believe that Regina is the evil queen. Maybe it is because they have been sharing a bed for the last week or so... literally just sleeping-get your minds from the gutter... Maybe it is because she thinks fondly of the mayor... oh who is she kidding? She is so fucking hopelessly devoted, she beats out Sandy to Danny in Grease.

Honestly, she doesn't know when she fell for her, but she can pinpoint the beginnings of the falling... About six months before, Emma finally got it through the powerful brunette's head that she isn't out to take Henry away from her, and that she just wants to know know them. So, in order to prove that, she proposed to said powerful brunette and Henry that they begin having Friday night dinners out with her. From there, it's actually started to become Friday night dinners at the Mills' house and not out at one of the like four restaurants Storybrooke has to offer.

At about that time, Emma began hanging out after Henry was sent upstairs to shower and get ready for bed. She and Regina just started...talking. There was no bullshit, no lies, no deception. They started holding actual conversation, they bantered, and Emma fell fast and hard.

As she enters Town Hall, she begins thinking about the week prior

... It had been her 30th birthday; it also happened to have been Friday. She called and cancelled because Mary Margaret and Ruby and Ashley wanted to take her out... and she can't say no to Mary Margaret's puppy eyes. She had told Regina that they could do Saturday, but Regina reminded her of the plethora of meetings he had on Saturdays.

She was sitting in the booth with Ashley and Mary Margaret. Ruby was making her way back with their third round when her phone buzzed. Please God let it be Regina. It's not like she wasn't having a good time, she was, she just... Liked being with Regina and Henry on Friday nights...she felt like it was family night. She took the shot that Ruby gave her then pulled her phone out.

'If you're not too drunk, maybe you could come over when you're finished with your birthday party. I actually have a present for you.'

It was from Regina. She smiled then stood up, "Well, ladies... It's been a pleasure, but I think I'm gonna head out."

"Emma!" All three of them said together...more like whined together.

All Emma did was shrug, "I'm just... I'm not feeling it tonight, guys..." And with another shrug she was off to Madame Mayor's house.

"Hey." Emma said into the phone as she rounded the street that would lead her to the mansion.

"Sherriff Swan...why are you panting?"

"I walked from the bar...It's a long way..."

"It's not that long a walk, Sherriff..."

"Alright. Alright, fine... I've been playing hopscotch for like a block and a half... I'm a little tipsy, but not too drunk for a birthday present!" She said excitedly.

"Wow, you really are tipsy. You would not show that much excitement to me."

"Hey, hey... I show this much excitement every time you make roast and potatoes and carrots..."

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