Chapter 18

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Belle walks in looks around. She sees a sheath and sword lying on a far table and walks over that direction.

"Belle?" Emma asks walking over to her hesitantly, hardly recognizing the auburn-haired girl. Belle simply smirks before she takes the sword from the sheath and turns around, bringing it down forcefully. Emma, already unsheathed puts her sword up in defense and stares at the girl, "What the hell is wrong with you?" She asks.

"Nothing." Belle breathes out with a smile, "I just realized that the reason I love evil is because I am evil." She pulls from Emma and spins before coming at her again.

Emma deflects and stares, "No! You're not in love with evil Belle... you're in love with an evil person... but inside every person there is good and evil. You're not in love with the evil side of him Belle... you've seen passed it, just like I saw passed Regina..."

"No!" She hissed, "I am it!" She grins.

"What the fuck!"

Regina holds Chandler closely to her, "Emma! She's under a spell!" She yells from the bed.

"Well how does she get... above a spell?" Emma turns to her wife a moment, before parrying with the woman some more.

Regina looks at her, "I fear the only way to get out of this one, if it's the one I think it is, is by force..."

"Force? Like Darth Vader force?"

"No like... baseball bat to the head force... blunt force."

Emma nodded, "I'm wildly okay with that." She ducked as Belle took another swing at her, then sheathes her sword, stands back up and punches Belle twice in the face as hard as she can.

Belle immediately stops and shakes her head she looks down and sees what is in her hands. She sees Emma and is confused, "What just happened."

"I popped you in the nose... because you tried to decapitate me with a sword... are you okay?" Emma asks.

"Yeah..." Belle then remembers how she came to be under the spell, "It's Maleficent... she..."

"Is the real evil one... aside from your boyfriend, we know." Emma rolls her eyes.

Belle bites her lip, not knowing what to do.

Emma takes in a large breath and stares at her sadly, "If he really loves you, he'll come around... that's what I was trying to tell you before... when you thought you were evil..."

Henry, wolf-Red and Mallory all barge into the room. wolf-Red and Mallory immediately run over to Belle, knowing that she's bad now-"HEY!" Emma yells at them, "She's fine now." She gives the two women a stern look. She looks at Henry then hugs him tight. Then, she walks over to her wife and kisses her forehead.

Henry walks over to and watches Emma take Chandler from his mom. And when she presses their foreheads against each other he knows that there's something neither of them are telling him. He watches as Emma gives an Eskimo kiss before a deep, longing, utterly in love, fully passionate kiss... normally, he'd be disgusted, but now... he is just happy that his family is alright. He watches as Emma whispers words of love, no doubt, and Regina nod before his blonde mother turns back to him, "Kid..." She shakes her head not knowing what to say.

He hugs her and nods, knowing what she's feeling, "I know Emma." He looks up at her then down at his baby sister, really taking her in for the first time.

Sidney walks back over to report, "The army is invading. We have to get Chandler out of here now."

"Okay. Sidney. You stay here... protect her. You are the only one I trust." She says seriously.

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