Chapter 6

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Henry and Emma are sitting at the kitchen table in the mansion; it's the day after the party and the poofing...err, the 'flashing'. Regina is finishing with loading dishes after her son and lover emptied the clean ones for her. She glances outside to her shed and decides it's time for another bout of painting so she can clear her head.

Once she finishes, she dries her hands and walked over to see what exactly her son is up to. Henry turns and sees her peering at his homework, "Vocabulary..." He provides.

"All of those sentences are about the Hulk." Regina gives him a look, "Are you supposed to pick one subject for all your words?"

"No, but it's fun. And Miss Blanchard just shakes her head when she grades my papers... It's entertaining for both the student and the teacher. I get to write about a different Marvel superhero every week, and she laughs at how much I have to bend my vocab words to fit the superhero I chose for the week..." Henry shrugs and goes back to his vocab.

Emma and Regina exchange an amused glance before Emma tries to hide behind yesterday's paper. Regina shakes her head and kisses the top of Henry's, ruffling his hair before moving on to his other mother. She kisses the top of the blonde's head as well, but Emma doesn't settle for just the top of her head. She leans into the back of the chair and Regina's front and side. Really, Regina has no other choice but to lean down and kiss her lover-not that she would choose anything different even if there were.

She makes to move, but Emma grabs hold to her forearm, silently asking her where she thinks she's wandering off to. Regina smirks and nods her head outside, telling Emma exactly what she was doing as she tries once more to leave, but Emma's grip stays strong, and Regina is yanked back so that she's right in front of the blonde "How long?" She asks just barely loud enough to hear (so as not to disturb Henry) as she wraps her arm around the brunette's lower back, securing her hold on her.

Regina shrugs, "I don't know." Regina matches her tone, "You can visit me if you get bored." She grins and kisses her girlfriend again, "Just need to clear my head." She says through an Eskimo kiss.

Emma puckers and steals yet another kiss, and this is when Henry drops his pencil and looks at his mothers expectantly, "Alright. I know that you guys have been together for a while now and I know that you know that I'm okay with it... But I repeat for the seventy-billionth time.... I Don't Want To See It!"

This makes both women laugh, "You're right, I'm sorry Henry." Regina pushes from Emma and moves to the door, "We have this evening while someone is at that sleepover..." She winks at Emma then closes the door behind her as she leaves.

The mother and son left behind watch her walk down to her many apple trees and inspect them before she can't be seen anymore as she makes her way inside the shed.

"You know your mom is good, right?" Emma says just before he picks his pencil up once more.

"So you say, but I still think that when she gets her powers back, things might change..." Henry looks to his blonde mother.

"Well, have you noticed anything different in her from two days ago to now?"


"She got her powers back yesterday, kid..." Emma bites her lip and looks at him seriously, "She believes in herself about as much as you do..."

"I believe in her."

"So you say..." Emma repeats his words.

"I do, I just think that her powers can only be used for evil... I don't know how much control she actually has over them..."

"Kid..." Emma turns to him square on, "I think that as long as you and me are around... as long as we stick together and stay a family... I think she'll be just fine. She does too. She just needs someone to love and to love her... preferably two someones..."

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