Chapter 7

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Mary Margaret Blanchard is often surprised by her roommate. She never expected Emma to be as good a roommate as she is. She never expected her to actually take what she says to heart. She never expected to feel like the two of them had formed a bit of a family unit... And she NEVER expected said unexpected family to make the family even bigger by dating and falling in love with the Mayor of all people in the town.

Though, if she really thought about it, she knew the whole time that all of those things would happen... she knew that Emma was needed in this town the first moment she saw her. They Mayor had become particularly horrid the year before she came and something really needed to happen to unwind her. She didn't know what the first clue was... When the Mayor walked into her classroom with Emma behind her, or the spark in Emma's eyes after she bailed the blonde out of jail only to find out that she took a chainsaw to half of the Mayor's tree... Or maybe it could have been the constant banter and fights... or the raw sexual charge that was clearly evident when both of them were scared for Henry in the mines-Now, she wasn't actually there for that one, but Ruby was one to go on and on with it... and really it only seemed logical even though it was so unexpected.

All of this is why she is standing before Emma, jaw-dropped and unable to gather her thoughts after the inevitable bomb she knew was coming was finally dropped. "You want me to what now?" She shakes her head and stares at her blonde roommate.

"I want you to pretend your Regina... I need to practice both questions..." Emma says with those eyes that no one has a chance of saying 'no' to.

Mary Margaret's face contorts, "Emma... I don't think I can do that... It's just weird... Get Ruby or someone to do it for you."

"But Mary Margaret! Ruby didn't see me in the jewelry store purchasing the ring two weeks ago! AND! if she finds out, then all hell is going to break loose." Emma says.

Mary Margaret tilts her head and crosses her arms. She speaks in a motherly, knowing tone, "Now you know that's not true. Ruby will gladly keep her mouth shut until it actually happens... And she is a much better actress than me. She'll be able to be a bi-to play Regina much better than I ever could."

Emma shifts her weight and puts her hands on her hips, "You were gonna call her a bitch." Her tone is accusatory.

"No." Mary Margaret says as she nods her head in a 'yes' motion.

Emma knits her brows, Okay, maybe I should have thought this through... I mean... I can't mock propose to my mom... especially when she just did the head nod thing... "Alright fine! I will ask Ruby... but one thing..." Emma pulls out the ring box and opens it, "Do you think she's gonna like it?" Emma bites her lip nervously.

Mary Margaret's eyes widen as she takes the rose gold band that holds the most exquisite pear shaped diamond, a Fleur-de-Lis symbol embedded with diamond and onyx accents on either side. In Emma's eyes, the Fleur-de-Lis symbols showed her ever-impending royalty and strength; in Mary Margaret's they were a lovely addition to a lovely ring. "Oh Emma..." The brunette covers her mouth, "That is beautiful." She mumbles through said covered mouth.


"That... that is Regina..." Mary Margaret says as she takes her hand away and begins to trace the felt lining of the box.

Emma smiles, "Good..." She looks up at Mary Margaret, "At least you're good for something." She says sarcastically before walking around the counter and hugging her, "Thank you."

"For what?" The brunette looks at the blonde.

"For everything... really... Everything." Emma ducks into Mary Margaret's hold, "I love you Mary Margaret."

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