Chapter 5

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Emma, over the next three months pretty much moved into the Mayor and Henry's home. If all of the re-organizing Regina has done to her closet doesn't show this, then maybe the fact that Emma can't find a single thing of hers in Mary Margaret's spare room aside from her tie and a few more odds and ends do... But, neither of them will give in and ask the other if the blonde can officially move in with her two brunettes...

Emma looks around the room once more before walking out into Mary Margaret's kitchen. The brunette is making lunch for the two of them since this is Emma's lunch hour.

"You find what you're looking for?" She asks as she looks up from the pot she is stirring.

"Yeah..." Emma looks back at her room then over to Mary Margaret, "Have you noticed that I don't really live here anymore?"

Mary Margaret bites her lip and turns back to the pot to keep from grinning, "What do you mean?"

"I mean that like... Most of my crap is over at the mansion..." She leans into the counter, bracing her foot against one of the bar stools.

"Yes, well... Maybe that's a good thing..." The brunette turns around once more.

"What do you mean?"

"Emma, you truly have been like family to me. I mean, since we met, I've had this need to try to, I don't know... protect you or take care of you. But, just like all baby birds, I think it's just about time for you to fly from the nest..."

Emma knits her brows and gives her a confused, thoughtful look, "What are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you and Regina love each other and I don't see you parting anytime soon, so why not just officially move in with her?"

Emma's eyes now bug and she takes about ten steps back until she hits a nearby pillar, "We're... we're not... We don't... I mean...We haven't even said!..." She looks down in thought, trying to process it, "I'm not sure two relationally challenged people like ourselves are quite ready to move in together... I mean... That woman!" Emma wipes her hands over her face, "She's so frustrating! I need an out! And she does too..."

Mary Margaret laughs, "Alright fine... don't ask if you can move in... Chicken." She teases, "But bare in mind that even when you do finally fly out of the nest, you can always come back... Okay?" She looks at Emma seriously, then remembers her tortellini and begins to serve it.

Emma smiles and nods her thanks for the food... and the teasing advice, "I'm not going to fly out of the nest for a while... I swear! I mean... we've only been together five months... There's plenty of time for all of that other stuff..." She takes a bite, "OH. MY. GOD!" She says through a mouthful of food, "This is sooooooo good! Thanks Mary Margaret."

The brunette hums her, 'You're welcome,' and starts in on her own food. She is about to open her mouth and destroy the silence by asking Emma why she was so quickly adamant about not moving out of the apartment... secretly hoping the answer was because she didn't want to leave Mary Margaret by herself, but Emma's phone went off, and Jason Mraz was belting.

"I won't give up on us. Even if the skies get rough. I'm giving you all my love. I'm still looking up. I'm still looking up. Well, I won't give up on us. God knows I'm tough. He knows we got a lot to learn. And God knows we're worth it. I-"

"Hey lady." Emma answers. She looks over to Mary Margaret who's giving her a look, telling her she's adorable. She swats her hand toward the brunette telling her to stop, "I text you I wasn't coming 'cause I had to pick up the stuff for the thing tonight... Right, yes. The Ball tonight, not the thing... Well, I could have eaten with you and gotten in trouble later, or do what I did, which I thought was the right thing, yet somehow I'm still in trouble?" She shovels about three mouthfuls of tortellini down her gullet before she speaks again, unintelligibly due to the pasta. She rolls her eyes, chews and swallows, "I said I'm hurrying and I'll run over there for tail end of lunch, 'kay? Not okay? But..." She lowers her head, "Fine... I guess...I-" She stares at the phone as she brings it down, the call having obviously ended, "Love you. Stupid crazy bitch." She mumbles.

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