Chapter 17

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When Emma gets back to the room, she finds that Dr. Whale and Sidney are both there. She turns to Dr. Whale who is getting everything ready, "What's Sidney doing here?"

"He's our eyes and ears... He has the ability to everything as the mirror did; he can show us by touch a mirror's glass. The Queen requested he stayed." Dr. Whale whispers back then hurriedly finishes getting everything out in the order that he will need it.

Emma nods and watches the former genie and her wife.

Sidney is knelt down at his queen's side almost like he's listening to her dying wish, "Is there anything you would like to see, My Queen?"

She lets a tear fall and puts a hand to his cheek, "Please..." She takes a ragged breath, "Please tell me Henry is alright."

Sidney nods and gets up, walks over to the vanity and brings back the mirror he was originally trapped in. He puts his hand to it and shows Henry trying to suit up in armor and padding, and grab a sword along side his grandparents, "I'm not a little kid anymore! I'm thirteen!" He says sternly, "And you need all the help you can get!"

Regina lets tears fall as she touches the glass too then another pain comes and Emma is at her side immediately, "Hey, hey, baby.... It's okay... Henry's going to be okay..." Regina only looks up to her wife and nods then leans up for a kiss to sooth the pain she's in.


Henry straps on a belt and sheath against his grandparents' continuous protests, "You might be protecting your daughter and granddaughter, but I have to protect my mothers and sister! So I suggest you two stop telling me to stop and get on with your own armor! Besides! The knights know I can fight! They can vouch! I've been training under them secretly for weeks now!"

Nova flies into the room with a basket in hand, "There isn't much time... they're on their way. We saw them on our way here."

"Then put up the wall the blue fairy told you to put up! It's the only way of delay we have!" Henry orders then shoves passed Snow and James.

Snow James and Nova stare at each other a moment before James says, "You heard the boy!" Then stalks out of the room as well.

"Nova... what is that basket for?" Nova looks at the basket now covered in her fairy dust then back to Snow, "Your Majesty, it's baby Chandler's last chance of protection. When the blue fairy came to gather us, she thought it best to bring... and hope we don't have to use it..."

Snow looked down at the basket then up to the fairy, "Please... if it comes down do it... keep her safe."


A few hours later, the blue fairy, Flora, Fauna and Meriwether are all in the room protecting the other four people. And it is in an instant of pacing that Sidney thinks he's figured out their plan, "My Queen... Princess... I have bad news, but it must be shared."

He first shows Maleficent and Emma from earlier...about the baby. Then he shows them Maleficent and Rumpel sitting in Rumpel's kitchen, "I simply told her that it's going to be her wife or her baby... I didn't tell her we would easily kill them both." Maleficent looks around the room and outside and sees no one else around, "Have you sent the army already?" She asks him as she strokes a finger over the glass orb atop her staff.

"Of course dearie!" Rumpel jumps in a chair and squats, "We can't have a finale without a whole show before it!" He cackles.

Regina pulls Emma harshly by the neckline of her shirt, "We have to protect her!" She growls at her wife.

"I know babe... I know." Emma kisses her temple, trying to calm her. She looks to the blue fairy, "There has to be something we can do! Is there like... another magical tree thing like the one I was shoved into? There's gotta be something!"

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