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THE HOURS PASSED LIKE DAYS in the safe-room. I eventually calmed down a little, considering the situation was stable and all fifteen girls were here, safe and sound. Gwen was fast asleep, probably exhausted from all the stress, and Hazel was talking with Taylor, Naomi and Scarlett. Evelyn was crying, Mai and Claire were reading, but I wasn't feeling up to doing any of those. Instead, I started thinking too much, as always.

When the palace was deemed safe once more and the rebels had fled, guards came to get us from the safe-room. As we roamed the halls to get to our rooms, it became very clear that this attack had left a mark. To our knowledge, contrary to the previous attacks, no one had died. However, the walls were stained with thick black paint that spelled the same message I couldn't make out. Only one word was clear: "Free". Back in my room, all my drawers were opened, their contents emptied on the floor. Nothing had been stolen but a few of my jewellery, though I suspected other things had been stolen too. If I remembered Ethan's theory correctly, this attack had most likely been done by the Northern rebels, as opposed to their Southern, more violent counterparts. I was tidying things up when my maids arrived, all seeming unscathed. We hugged each other, all relieved that nothing bad had happened, this time.

As per usual, dinner was delivered to my room, and I spend the rest of the night enjoying the company of Maya, Piper and Grace. Together, we got Maya to open up a little. "The guard I really like, well, he didn't feel the same way." Maya confessed, seeming embarrassed. "Actually, he loved someone else." Grace rubbed her back comfortingly. "I feel so stupid. We had been talking and I thought we really hit it off..." I tilted my head to look at her. "What was his name?" She then stiffened, out of the blue. But again, she dropped the issue and abruptly switch the topic. Soon after, Maya and Grace left and I was left with only Piper for the night. While some girls might find it kind of strange, I actually found having one of my maids sleep in my room during the night comforting. Was I to sleep alone, I don't think I could sleep at all. There's something about nights that's so incredibly scary, and it brings me peace to know that I'm not all alone. Even with all the stress, I eventually drifted off.

My small room was shrouded in darkness as the heavy silence of the night was disrupted by yelling. My door swung open, and my sheets were ripped from my tiny body. I was thrown on the floor and kicked until my attacker was pulled back, by thin, pale arms. I hid in my closet, until the silence of the night settled once more. I didn't return to my bed; I stayed in that closet for what seemed like days, in complete darkness for days, hungry and afraid.

I woke up from my nightmare with tears falling silently down my face. It was already morning, and my room was lit by bright sunshine. This nightmare had particularly troubled me, therefore I struggled to get up and function for my normal morning activities. I stayed longer than usual in the bath, and kept my eyes closed as my maids got me ready, not uttering a single word. By the time they were finished, the uneasiness had somewhat passed, and I managed to attend breakfast with the others.

After breakfast, a note was delivered to my room and my mood was instantly brightened.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss your company:

I think a fourth official date is long overdue.

Meet me at the stables after lunch.

I think the horses will love you,


Selected: Part 2 - Flowers with ThornsWhere stories live. Discover now