Fool for you.

9 1 1

I keep on avoiding you,

Can't look at you

Hate the way you take me for granted

Our WhatsApp chats 

barely exist anymore, Every time I try seems forced, like I'm doing something wrong

But I felt happy those days,

And now I think, will I ever be that happy again?

I look at the ground, look at the watch, sit and eat alone, 

blankly respond to your sparse texts and act passive aggressive with you,

hoping that you'll take the hint and be with me again. 

You were the only way I could go outside every weekend. and now I'm home watching shitty movies and reluctantly finishing my assignments.

I feel like I want to move on, move on from you. 

But when you look me in the eye, hold my hand, graze my knee with your hand and talk to me with that chirpy voice of yours,

Oh goodness, I'm such a goddamn fool. 

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