The Game Begins

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You had slept through the night uneasily. Everywhere you turned you could see his silhouette, tall and imposing, threatening to swamp you and choke out your life. You knew he was a god, but you didn't know if he had the power to visit dreams or control your mind. You sure as Hell hoped not. But to be honest, you wouldn't be able to do much against him either way. He could be standing right outside your window and you wouldn't know. And that's what terrified you the most. Great, I might have a stalker, you thought sarcastically.

You could feel it in your gut. He was there. Following closer than your own shadow, and what confused you the most was that you didn't know what he wanted or why you. Does he know?

Now, you could barely walk around in the forest without swiveling your head at every little noise. Every scuttle or crunch seemed to bring your thoughts back to him. You were absolutely paranoid throughout the day. You could barely eat or rest, and around three o' clock in the afternoon was when you finally had enough. You're being completely ridiculous Y/N. He's not there. You forced yourself out of the house and began your long trek through the woods to West City, with a couple weapons hidden inside your clothes, though you knew they would do nothing if he found you.

There was a cliff close to the border of the city, where you decided to settle down behind some large oak trees to observe the activities down below. There was nothing. You didn't know whether to be relieved or tense; if he was down there creating havoc then you would at least know where he was, but that would mean innocent people were in peril. But on the other hand, if he wasn't making a mess then you couldn't pinpoint his location. Either way, you waited. And waited.

Eventually, nearly three hours had passed, and nothing had happened except a lone man had come out to get supplies and a stray dog had run past. It was nerve-wracking just crouching there, a sitting duck. You grabbed your coat and stood up, craning your neck to look at the city as you began to back away. Suddenly, your back collided into a hard tree and you stumbled a few steps forward onto your knees. You could have sworn that there hadn't been anything there as you came.

And there wasn't.

Your blood chilled as you figured out what it was.

And it definitely wasn't a tree.

Oh god. If only there was any other one left.

You froze, as the world stopped spinning. The birds had stopped chirping and there was nothing. The world didn't exist. Not the trees, the people, the city. There was only fear. Your heart pounded like drums in your ears and your vision began to blur, and you waited for him to make a move, but he didn't. You knew he couldn't kill you, but he could definitely make you suffer. And that was the curse of immortality. Eternal living, whether you wanted it or not.

"Well," he stated in his cold voice. "Are you going to turn around or not, little mortal?" You could hear his boots crunching as he walked towards you slowly, drawing out the anticipation. Even now, you were too petrified to turn around to face him.

He was right behind you now. Black let out a growl when you made no move to face him, and before you knew what was even happening, he had grabbed the back of your shirt and yanked you harshly to your feet, where you stood wobbling for a couple of seconds before he spun you around. And you didn't know why, but your arm instinctively flung itself out, right at his face as you felt a rush of adrenaline.

Well if it is going to be this way, I won't go down a coward.

He caught it effortlessly, smirking. It was infuriating. "Someone has anger issues," he taunted. "Let's fix that, shall we?" He flicked his hand.

It felt like your bones were on fire as you heard a sickening CRACK! You had broken your arm before in fights before, but it had never felt like this.

What the Hell was he?

You howled as you fell backwards, barely managing to catch yourself before you hit the ground. Red blurred your vision, and you couldn't tell whether it was pain or anger.

"Who do you think you are?!" You yelled at him, before blasting him with your good hand. When the smoke cleared, he was just standing there looking as smug as ever, but something had changed in his eyes. If you didn't know any better, you would say he was impressed. It was only there for a moment before it was replaced with something more sinister.

"Learn your place mortal," he snarled. "At my feet!"

He moved too fast for you to see and immediately all you could feel was pain. It felt like a truck had hit your chest and stomach, and you could feel your leg splintering as Black assaulted you with a whirlwind of blows.

Blood spluttered out of your mouth as he rammed his fists into you, and you could only use one arm to attempt to feebly block his onslaught. Tears streamed out of your eyes, but you refused to give in. After what seemed like an eternity he finally stopped and stepped back to admire his handiwork.

You were lying on the ground on your bruised stomach, face and body swollen and beaten. You could barely see out of your eyes and agony coursed through your body like lightning. As he gazed down at you, something pricked at his heart. Something he had never felt before. Was it guilt? Pity?

"What's going on?" He grumbled under his breath, scrubbing his face with his hands. Black shook his head violently, his wild hair tossing about.

"Damn you!" He screamed, and you could feel your ribs crack as he drove a foot into your back, and you let out an involuntary wail. He backed up, watching you carefully as you lay there panting but refusing to give up. You forced your bloodshot eyes open to glare at him with as much hatred as you could possibly muster.

"I-I've seen m-men like.... you." You took a breath and forced yourself to continue despite the pain in your jaw. "Y-you kill a-and kill.... but the-re will a-always be s-stop you."

Black's eyes widened in surprise. No human had ever dared speak to him that way, save Trunks. But he wasn't exactly human, was he? Whatever, it didn't matter either way. All that was important was the Zero Mortal Plan, and he couldn't spare anyone, not even you.

"I am no man you foolish mortal. You understand nothing. Nothing about the universe. You're all just greedy, selfish creatures that destroy this utopia that could have been. And I am just here to punish all your mistakes." Black spat. "There are no men like me!"

You stared up at him, eyes unwavering, and you had never been so sure of anything in your entire life. "T-there will always...b-be someone like y-you."
And your world went black.


When you woke up again, you were still on the floor, in a pool of your own blood. The wounds that would have killed you had healed, but the rest hadn't. Luckily, you always healed faster than normal humans, so you wouldn't have to wait as long as you could have. But man, it still hurt like a bitch. Every breath felt like knives stabbing into your lungs, and it felt like your arms and legs had been crushed by a steamroller.

Groaning, you tried to get up onto your feet. Big mistake. Blood dribbled out of your mouth and you flopped back down, completely and utterly helpless, whimpers escaping through your cut lips. Hot tears of fury and confusion leaked out of your eyes as you began to sob.

Why me? Why did he have to choose me? But more importantly, why did he spare me?

And that was exactly what Goku Black had been wondering.

Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden FruitDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora