The Curse of Immortality

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Trunks gasped in dismay as Zamasu and Black both cackled, but Goku stayed silent, his head drooping. They continued to laugh, and the good Saiyan continued to do nothing. It was as though the shock of the discovery had turned him into a statue. Suddenly, his power skyrocketed, and a strong gust of wind blew Black back, and Goku's aura blazed as he let out a bloodcurdling howl. His eyes burned a dazzling blue and his hair stood up as he bellowed in frenzy. "Y-YOU BASTARD! I'LL KILL YOU!"

The power emanating from the Saiyan was like a tornado, threatening to blow you and Mai away. Zamasu leaped off of Trunks and Black jumped onto a building, his eyes narrowed and shoulders tense. The furious warrior shot forward so fast that Black didn't even know what hit him as he was driven into a building, the top stories caving in and burying him in rubble with a cloud of dust. Goku didn't waste any time in sending a barrage of blows at Black, who didn't reappear. The smoke finally cleared after five minutes, and all was silent except for Goku's rapid breathing.

For one victorious second you thought that the imposter had been killed, but as always, you hoped for too much. The rocks trembled, and beams of light slipped through the cracks, blinding everyone watching as you heard Black roar as he transformed into his Rose form. The rocks that covered him were blasted off, flying in every direction. As if in slow motion, one flew right at you two, and you did the only plausible thing you could think of in that instant, which was shove Mai out of the way. You didn't even have a moment to be afraid as the entire thing came crashing down on your body, bones splintering and blood flooding out of your mouth and nose like a hose. It left you alive, but barely. Fuzzily, you could hear Mai crying out for you, but you didn't have the energy to reply. The shock wore off after a couple of seconds, and the excruciating pain coursed through every cell of your body. It felt as if you had been trampled over and over again by an elephant and then thrown down a steep cliff into a pit of fire. Your vision was dark and hot as tears managed to squeeze their way through your blind eyes, soaking into the ground. Vaguely, you could feel Mai gripping your hand, the only thing that was saved from the boulder. All the noise was muffled, and nothing in the world existed to you except the pain as you slipped into nothingness.

Oh God, you wished you could just die.

Black had heard the human girl yell your name, and as he turned his head to look Goku took that opportunity to land a blow in his gut, spraying saliva out of his mouth. Quickly he retaliated, swinging his arm to drive his fist into his opponent's face, surely breaking his jaw in the process. Goku flew into back a few feet, clutching at his face, and that's when Black got a good look at why Trunks and Mai were both sobbing. He felt his blood freeze in his veins as he saw your forearm sticking out underneath a stray chunk of rock that he had dislodged during his transformation. Black had never felt so frightened or angry as he did now in his entire life, and he curled up into a fetal position mid-air, incredible power building up inside him before he unfurled and let it all go, energy blasts whistling through the air in every direction, a small one catching Goku through the chest and he too joined Vegeta on the ground, feebly alive. Another one nearly hit Zamasu, who unfortunately managed to dodge out of the way just in the nick of time.

He rushed towards you and lifted up the boulder, Mai too preoccupied with you to even care that he was standing next to her. His ears were ringing, and the only thing he could hear was the loud, erratic drumming of his own heart, oblivious to Zamasu who had joined him. Black was unable to do anything except stare at your limp form, still breathing but mangled beyond comprehension. He couldn't even tell where your face was, everything was just a bloody mess, and the only mercy that your body allowed you was unconsciousness. Your skin and bones knitted themselves slowly back together, but only for the wounds that could kill you. Most of your bones were still broken and some of your organs were still squashed, but at least you were alive, but barely.

Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now