Chained Freedom

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Black finally let you out of the room on the eighth day. Well, not exactly. He just let you explore the upstairs with the ever-present chi bands on your ankles and wrists while he followed behind you a good 25ft. You walked around slowly, peering at everything, searching for clues on how to defeat them, but you had to make it subtle, so he wouldn't suspect anything. You had been ecstatic when Black had walked in and announced that he would let you out for a while, but still wary of what might happen. He was rougher than Zamasu and sometimes his grip would leave colorful bruises all along your body when you set him off. One day he could be short-tempered, and his mood could change as easily as flicking a switch, and others he could be more tolerant and polite and even go as far as complimenting you.

Black probably should have alerted Zamasu about your new freedom beforehand though. The moment he saw you going to a place other than the bathroom even with Black trailing behind you he immediately seized you by your throat and forced your feet off the ground. His brutal fingers left dark bruises on your throat and you could feel your bones creaking, on the verge of splintering. You were almost completely immobile and unable to do anything but gasp for breath, your e/c eyes wild.

"Where the Hell do you think you're going?!" Zamasu snarled in your face, but you could only let out a gargled response as your fingers groped uselessly at his arm.

"Zamasu no! I let her out!" Black surged forward to try to get him to release you, which he did. Unfortunately, a couple of feet above the ground. You never realized how tall the green God actually was. He just looked short standing next to Black. A sharp pain shot up your ankle as you landed feet first, and then you crumpled like a house of cards. Son of a bitch!

You scurried backwards away from both of them, mood dampened from Zamasus' assault. When neither of them did anything to stop you from backing up, you scrambled to your feet and took off in the opposite direction weaving through the halls. Black's voiced carried through the cabin, he sounded incensed but thankfully it wasn't at you for running away. Chances were it wouldn't be hard for him to find you, so he probably didn't care much anyways. Trunks had been planning to teach you how to hide your chi but sadly never got the chance, and now probably never will. Your heart ached as you thought about him, and then Mai and the rest of the survivors. What would they do without you? They had Trunks and Mai but Trunks had left to go to the past, and as strong as Mai was, she was nothing compared to you and Trunks.

Tears blurred your vision as everything hit you again and again in waves of anguish. Hurriedly you burst through the first door you could and slammed it shut, locking it and pushing a chair under the doorknob, knowing fully that it wouldn't stop Black from entering if he wanted to. You didn't want to be caught by either of them in the hallway bawling your eyes out.

Your entire body trembled as your chest contracted with sobs, and at that moment you didn't care anymore. You didn't care if Black heard you or what he was planning to do to you. The world faded and became nothing. Nothing but the hot rivers flowing down your cheeks and the pressure in your chest as your lungs struggled to pull in air. You collapsed on the bed, hands fisting the sheets underneath you so hard your knuckles turned white, nearly tearing them but you didn't care. Black could do whatever the fuck he wanted to you. It's not like you could even do anything to stop him anyways. Maybe that's what they were doing, to make you feel as small and insignificant and as helpless as you possibly could, but why? You were no threat to their plan except for the fact that they couldn't kill you, making the zero human idea impossible.

A soft knock interrupted your thoughts, and you involuntary cringed away from the noise. You felt completely bare and weak, and the last thing you wanted was for your captor to see you. Another knock echoed through the still room, a little bit harder this time.

Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now