Hate Me Not

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After that last disastrous confrontation with Black, he spent his time avoiding you at all costs, sending Zamasu in his place. The Kai rarely spoke to you, tending to you mostly in your sleep and never lingering for too long. Every time he looked at you, it felt as if he was excavating all your secrets and insecurities and you soon began to crave for more comfortable company. Three weeks was all it took for you to heal enough to limp around, and you used it to your advantage. You mostly hung out in the kitchen or living room, not sure if you were allowed to go outside or not.

You had searched in vain for answers in Black's room, in the numerous books, in every crevice, Hell, even under Black's bed, sheets, closet, and underwear drawers but no solution to anything that could help save the earth presented itself. The only "information" that you could find was that most of his clothes looked the same, dark-hued and long. But for some odd reason he had mostly pink boxers, which wouldn't do much unless you were planning to blackmail him. The only improvement to your current life was that at least they didn't force you to wear the chi bands anymore, since you were probably too weak to escape anyways.

Since you were occupying Black's room, he spent most of his time in a guest room at God knows where. There were too many rooms and many of them were locked, and when you knocked no one ever answered. You hadn't even had a chance to look for clues outside of Black's room, as you always had the sense that Zamasu was inspecting you, waiting for the moment you made a wrong move. It was unnerving in the least. The loneliness was beginning to eat away at you, slowly driving you insane, making you eat less and less and sulking more and more. Zamasu must have noticed because one day he shooed you outside onto the patio, not out of pity but more like you were starting to look like an unkept animal. He left with a cryptic warning of what would happen if you didn't return within three hours, not that you were planning on running away or anything. You knew when you were out of your league, and where would you even run to? You began to make your long descent down the ridiculously steep stairs, swallowing your fear and trying not to scream.

Black happened to look out his window, frowning as he noticed you gingerly stepping down the stairs at a sluggishly slow pace, gripping the rails so tightly that your knuckles turned white. All your bones had just barely begun to heal, and your left leg had gotten a particularly bad break when the boulder crushed you. It was still in a splint, and you hadn't needed to go down any steps for about three weeks.

A month? That's how long I've been here? The realization hit you like a train, and you swayed dangerously on your unsteady feet. They had a calendar, but you've never paid attention to it. Black watched as you nearly tripped down the entire flight of stairs, and he resisted the impulse of flying through the window to make sure you didn't crack your skull on the way down. What if she knocks herself out? What the Hell was Zamasu thinking letting her out like that? He couldn't stand it anymore, slamming his door open before stalking into the living room where Zamasu was sitting at the dining table drinking tea.

"I'm going out for a while," Black told him.

His other self didn't even look at him, just waving a hand to let him know that he heard.

Black stalked out the door, quickly pinpointing your chi before following you far back, but never out of eyesight. You weaved in and out of the trees, occasionally leaving markers on the trunks or rocks so you could find your way back. You hummed softly as you strolled, just enjoying the smell and feeling of fresh air after being kept inside for so long. Birds swooped overhead, and you could see squirrels frolicking in the trees. It was like Heaven but in Hell. How could a place like this be so peaceful, when the outside was turning to ashes and dying before your eyes? It was completely untouched by Black, so different from West City, once a glory but now in ruins.

Goku Black x Reader: Forbidden FruitWhere stories live. Discover now