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Daniel Pov:

Waking up to someone shaking you and screaming in your ear to wake up was definitely not something I missed about belonging somewhere. But either way I opened my eyes and looked into corbyns green ones.

"Guys! He is awake! Hey daniel, we want to rum.directly to our pack house in the woods. Do you think you will make it? It will be a three hour run."

Oh god. Three hours. I haven't eaten in days because the hunters were out and I didn' t want to risk being killed.
"I-i don't know. I havem't eaten in three days corbyn."

"Hey daniel i will carry you if you are exhausted. You are a small wolf and i am a relatively larger one. Just tell me, okay?" Brandon spoke up.

"Okay well that's settled let's go guys!" Jack changed out of his clothes and chanhed into his greyish brown wolf.
"Let's run!" Corbyn changed into light grey wolf and sprinted out of the door.
I looked at the now in wolf form brandon and ran after jack and corbyn out of my old home.

After two hours of running my legs hurt and breathing almost seemed impossible to me. I whined out loud and looked at brandon.

He let out an amused huff and let me climb on his back. I changed into human form and he looked at me confused.
" I will not be as heavy as a human as I am as a wof."
He nodded his big head in agreement.
The three of them began sprinting again. After a couple of minutes i started feeling tired and feel asleep soon after.


I woke up feeling someone tap me on my shoulder. My eyes still felt pretty heavy, so I just murred in my sleep.
"Brandon let me sleep. I am so tired."

"Uum. I am not Brandon. And you might want to get clothed..." Someone spoke literally right into my ear.

I opened my eyes and closed them again right away because it was so freaking light. WAIT! Oh shit I am still naked lying in front of a stranger! Where is Brandon??

"Who are you?? Where is Brandon?" I shot my eyes open and  looked around the room for some sort of blanket.

"Here you go." The stranger held out a balnket in his one hand while studying me with his light blue kind og greyish eyes.

"T-thank you. For the blanket i mean. Not that you did anything else I would want to thank you for."
Why the hell makes this stranger me so nervous?

"No problem." The guy cuckled, "I am jonah by the way. You are daniel, right? Brandon told me about you."

"Ahh yeah i am daniel."
I didn't even notice the awkwardness because I just studied jonah in front me.

He must be that alpha dude they told me about. Uhh...he is pretty tall and has a handsome face too.
Daniel stop it with those thoughts. Just because he is an alpha and he shows you some kind of attention you will not get all nervous and a blushing mess.
I shook my head at my own thoughts.

"Sooo...do you want the clothes?" Jonah looked at me confused.

"Uhh...sorry what?" I looked at the ground because I didn't want him to see me blushing.

"I just thought maybe you would want some clothes and not just a blanket to cover yourself?"

Ah right daniel this hot as alpha just saw you completly naked lying in probably his couch. Great start...
"Yeah that would be nice. Thanks."

He got up and let the room to get me some clothes. I took tht time to look around the room. The walls were beige and it seemed to be kind of their living room since there was one huge tv with two big mocha coloured couches.

Soon jomah came back and handed some black skinny jeans, a grey top and a pair of boxers.
"Thanks for the clothes." I looked up at him and smiled.

"No problem, but there are mine so I think they will be a little big but edwin isn't here right know and his room is locked. Other wise I would have given you some of his clothes he is as tall as you are." He smiled back at me and handed me the clothes.

After that he just stood awkwardly on front of me and i looked at him exceptantly.

"Uhh...could you like leave or something?"
I definitely do not want to get changed in front of him.
He saw you naked daniel what is there that you have to hide? But I at least want to keep my dignity.

"Sorry i umm...i will just wait outside real quick. Just shout when you are ready."

After he closed the wooden door behind him ai dropped the blanket and changed into his clothes.

Oh god he smells so good like forests after rain. The earthy smell mixed with his perfume. I took the sent in with my sensitive nose and sighed in comfort.

I am so tired I haven't slept good in literally one and a half year. Just a quick nap. Jonah's heavenly smell was like a blanket around me and i murred in comfort and satisfaction.


Hope you enjoyed todays chapter!! I will try to update soon.
Have a great day bye bye✋

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