Evan Samson Monster

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Evan Samson

Age: 17


• Black emo-ish hair

• Green eyes

• Ripped tank top

• Black jeans

• Red converses

Likes: You, cupcakes, the color green, and fuzzy things

Dislikes: scaring you, hurting your feelings, the color yellow, and the cold

His monster form: a mix between Gollum and labou

How You Meet:

You are laying bed, listening to your favorite band, when you here a bump come from your closet. You sit up and look over at your closet. The handle starts to turn. You sit in terror, unable to scream. Then a dark figure emerges out, the figure takes a slow step toward you. You take your ear phones out, and pull the covers closer. The figure is now at the edge of your bed, you close your eyes tight and whisper "Leave me alone please go away you don't exist." This was something your dad told you to say when you were little. You had nightmares when you were little and would wake up screaming. You tried your best not to go to sleep at night, but then your imagination would take over, and you were always afraid of the dark. You opened your eyes and the figure was gone, your closet door closed.

His Confession of Love:

The next night you crawl into bed and turn on your ipod. You waited, you wanted to see if what you saw the night before was real or if it was just your imagination. The clock read 1:30, and then you hear a bump, the handle of you closet turns and the door creaks open. The figure slowly steps out. You start breathing faster. The figure reaches the end of your bed. You shut your eyes tight and begin whispering. "Wait! Please wait. I didn't mean to scare you."He puts his head in his hands. You stop. "What? Who are you?" you ask. You hear sniffles. "Are you okay?" you asks scooching closer. "Yeah I'm okay. My name is Evan." He said turning away from you. "Evan, why are you in my room?" you ask. "I live in your closet." he says. "My closet?" "Yeah. I'm a monster. Your monster and it's my job to scare you. But I don't want to scare, I want to protect you."

"My monster?" you say. "Yes, I have been scaring you ever since we were little. But of course I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted a friend."

You feel bad and want to comfort him. You reach your hand out to touch him. "_____, please, don't I don't want to scare you." he shied away.

You get up , sit in front of him and hold his hand. "You wont scare me." "I'm ugly." he says. You take his other hand. "Don't say that. You are beautiful on the inside and that's all that matters. I don't care what you look like." "Please just don't scream." He turns to look at you. He has glowing red eyes, green peeling skin, large fangs, and black matted hair. You gasp. He turns away, "I'm sorry _____. I'll leave." He gets up. "No, Evan, wait." You fall off the bed and on to him. He wraps his arms around you. "Are you okay, ______?" "Yeah I'm fine.Please don't go." you say. You stare into his eyes and bite your bottom lip. He smiles, picks you up, and sets you back in bed. "_____, I have a confession to make." He says. "What's that?" you ask. "I love you." He says. "Awww, Evan." You say. Then he leans in closer to you. You notice he has now changed. His glowing red eyes are now blue. His green skin turned to pale white, and his matted black hair was now clean. His fangs were replaced with normal teeth, and his monstrous face was now boyish and human. You blushed at the new sight of his face. He planted his soft lips on yours. You both thought you heard a noise outside your bedroom door, so he pulled away. "Goodnight love." He said going back to the closet. "Wait. Will you come back?" "As long as you keep believing in me I'll be right here." He said pulling the door open. "Evan, I love you." You say. He smiles, "_____, I love you too." He went inside the closet and shut the door.

You decide what happens next.

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