Andrew Adams Vampire

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Andrew Adams

Likes: You, blood, and the color red

Dislikes: you getting hurt, dogs, and liars


• Black hair

• Ice blue eyes

• Black leather jacket

• Blue jeans

• Black converses

How You Meet

It was just another day at school, when your best friend came running to you. "______! Did you hear there is a new kid?" she said super excited. "So, what's so exciting about that?" you ask. "Um it's a guy, and he from what I heard he is so "hot". You should look into that." she/he says. "Well good for him." you say uninterested. The two of you go to your locker and you put away your books. You are just about to turn the corner when BAM! You fall on your butt. "Oh my. I'm sorry miss, I didn't see you." said a really deep and unfamiliar voice. You see a hand out stretched and you put your hand into his. He helps you up. "Are you alright?" he asks. You brush your pants off, and when you looked up, you met his ice blue eyes. "Uh yeah I'm fine." you blush. "Heheh alright then." he smiled and you just about melted, felling a ton of butterflies in stomach. "Are you sure you are okay? You look like you need to sit." he said sitting down on a bench, still holding my hand. "Oh no, I'm fine. Thanks though." you take your hand back. "Okay then," he gets up,"I'll see you later. Uh, what is your name again?" "Oh it's ______, what is yours?" you ask. "Andrew." he smiles and then leaves. You catch up with your best friend, "Hey ______ where you been?" You are so lost in your thoughts that you didn't even hear her/him. All you could think about was your encounter with this amazing Andrew guy.

His Confession of Love

It's been 5 months since your encounter with Andrew, the new guy. He has made it a point to be in your life. He switched all of his classes to the same ones you are in, not because you both have the same interests, so that he could be near you. He always hangs out with you at your lunch table with your friends. Everyone always stares, worse then they did before. You and Andrew started becoming friends, he'd come over to your house and hang out with you. Now it's Valentine's Day, a day you despise, because this was the day your ex boyfriend broke up with you, to date Lexi (a super popular and rich girl, that always bullied you).

Andrew meets up with you at the front door. "_____! Hey!" he says giving you a hug. "Hey, Andrew," you say,"I can't breathe." you whisper. "Oh, sorry." he lets you go and puts his hands over your eyes. "What are you doing?" you ask. "No peeking." he whispers. When he drops his hands, you open your eyes, and let out a gasp. Your locker was decorated with tons of hearts and lace. There was a heart balloon sticking out of the door. "Do you like it?" He asks. "It's great, did you do all this?" you ask. "Your friend helped." He said. "Wow." you say. "Well, there's more." He smiled. Then your name was called on the loud speaker. "_______, please come to the office, ______, please come to the office." So, you left and went to the office. When you got there, there was a huge bouquet of roses, a teddy bear, a card, and a heart shaped box. "These are for you." said the little lady behind the counter. "Really? Wow." you say taking everything in your arms. You leave a rose for the lady. You go back to your locker, where your best friend now awaits. She/he helps you open your locker where you stuff the box and teddy in. you take the roses to your homeroom, and ask your teacher if you could leave them there. She allows you to, and the rest of the day is a regular day. Until lunch time. Boys and girls are all asking each other out, and trying to find dates for the Valentine's Day dance. You push pass people and then BAM! Once again, you run into none other than Andrew. "Not again." you giggle as he helps you up. "Are you alright?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." you say. "Good, then I'm taking you out to lunch." He says grabbing your hand. The 2 of you make your way through the crowd. When you get outside, you see a gleaming motorcycle parked in front. "Come on." He says handing you a helmet. You guys ride to a fast food place, and then to the park, where a cute picnic blanket and candles are set up. You two sit down and enjoy the sloppy burgers. "______, I have to tell you something." Andrew says. "What is it?" you ask. He takes a deep breath and then lets it out slowly,"I'm not human. I'm a vampire." "You're joking right?" you say. "No I'm not, and then his eyes change to a gold, and his canine teeth are long fangs. He was waiting for the worse reaction you could give him, but instead you say, "Oh, my gosh, you're beautiful." (and no he doesn't sparkle). He laughs, and you go back and forth feeding each other your ice creams. "______, you got a little something on your nose." he said, putting ice cream on your nose. He got up and ran and you ran after him. He stopped suddenly and you ran right into him, you both fell to the ground laughing. He put one arm around you and the other behind his head. You laughed a little bit more, then met his ice blue eyes. He leaned up and planted a deep kiss on your lips.

You decide where the story goes next

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