Eric Draven Dark Angel

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Dark Angel

Eric Draven

Likes: You, Halloween, all things black, and sweet.

Dislikes: evil, you being sad or hurt, and liars


• Black hair

• Brown eyes

• Loose white top

• Ripped black jeans

• Red Converes

• Pale skin

How You Meet

You were walking home from work on a busy road. You were crying because your boyfriend broke up with you, and made a big scene at your work. You had your ipod volume up as loud as you could manage. You walked out into the middle of the street, not paying attention, a semi was barreling down the road, heading straight for you. You looked up a little too late, but then something grabbed you. You were on your hands and knees on the sidewalk. "Are you stupid?" a voice asked. "Who? Me?" you ask. "Yes." he answered. You were lifted up. When you looked up, you saw a boy with black hair and brown eyes. He was looking at your hands, that were scrapped and bleeding from the collision of you and the sidewalk. "I didn't see the truck." you say. "Are you blind?" he asked. "No, I just wasn't paying attention." you say. He raised an eyebrow. "Wait a minute, where is my ipod?" you ask realizing it was missing. "Your ipod?" he asked. "Yes! it plays music and other things! Oh, god, mom will kill me!" you say looking around for it. He picked up something shinny in the middle of the road. "Is this it?" He asks handing it over. The screen had a thin crack going across it. You turned it on just to see if it worked. The screen turned on and the crack was very visible. You relaxed, "Well at least it's not that bad." you say. "Can I walk you home?" he asked. "Sure." you say.

After an 10 minutes of silence and you realizing this really cute boy just saved your life, and was walking you home, he broke the silence.

"So, what were you doing before you almost got flattened?" You remembered the fight between you and your now ex boyfriend. "I don't want to talk about it." you tell him. "Well, okay." he says, "You're lucky I saw you and the truck." "Yeah, I guess." you say. "All that matters is that you are safe now, right?" You just nod. The two of you reach your house and it starts to down pour. "Do you want to come in?" you ask as you open the door. "Uh, well, I guess." he says.

His Confession of Love

You turn on the tv and sit wrapped up in a blanket sipping hot chocolate on the couch. The who saved you earlier, said his name was Eric. He asked if he could take a shower, so you were waiting for him to finish. You found nothing good on, so you shut off the tv and went to your room. You got out a book and laid down on your bed. You got lost in your book that you didn't realize he was in your room. All of a sudden two warm hands covered your eyes. You jumped and threw your book across the room. "Did I scare you?" He asked. "Yesh! Don't do that!" you laughed. "I'm sorry." he laughed. He crossed over to the foot of your bed and sat down. You looked at him and your eyes widened, he was shirtless and his body gleaming. You feel your cheeks get warm. "Are you okay, you look a little pink?" he says reaching his hand across and touching your cheek. You looked at his arm and gasped. He had cuts about 3 to 4 inches long going down his bicep. He pulled back and put his hand over them. "What happened?" you asked dumbly, already knowing those were self inflicted. "I did it, I hate liars." he says. "So you did this to yourself?" you ask taking his arm and carefully touch them. "Yes." he says looking away from you. "If I asked you to stop, would you?" you ask. "I'd do anything for you." He says turning towards you. You look at him, confused by his answer. "______, I like you. A lot."He shyly smiles. "You, do?" you ask. He didn't answer your question, instead he looked deep into your eyes. You saw something different in his eyes. It wasn't a look you had ever gotten before, not even from your ex boyfriend. A warm sensation filled you, and you blushed worse than before. Then you felt his hand on your cheek once more, and his lips brushed yours. The two of you were making out, when you heard a big wooshing sound, and he pulled away so you could take a breath. "Are those wings?" you asked, staring at these huge black wings that were coming out of his shoulder blades. "Do you think I'm a freak?" he asks. "No, they are beautiful," you say," And besides you're not a freak." Looks you over and smiles. He softly whispers "I love you, ______." and continued to kiss you.

You choose what happens next.

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