Nathan Green Neko

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Nathan Green

Likes: You, trees, catnip, climbing and rats

Dislikes: Dogs


• Light brown hair

• Green eyes

• Black jacket

• Red top

• Checkered tie

• Black jeans

• Red shoes

• Brown cat ears and tail

How You Meet

You were walking in the park by yourself, when a strange looking boy bumped into. "Oops, sorry." he said helping you up. "It's fine." you say brushing the dirt off your knees. You looked around, and a realization hit you, you didn't even see anyone at the park. "Where did you come from?" you asked puzzled. "You really don't know? Well I came from my mom, being put there by my dad." he says. "No I mean there wasn't anyone in the park." you say. "Oh. Well I fell from there." He said pointing up. You looked up. "You fell from the sky?" you ask. "No, the tree. Did you hit your head?" he asked grabbing your head. "No." you say pushing him away, "Why were you up in a tree?" "Why were you not in a tree?" he asked. "Probably because I don't want to break anything." you say. "Oh, you aren't very coordinated I take it." he says poking you in the arm. "I never said-" you stopped yourself when you noticed two catlike ears on top of his head. "What was that?" he asked cocking his head.

"Uh, never mind." you say. "If I help you climb the tree, would you go up with me?" he asked with a big grin. "Uh, I dont think that would be a good idea. Me and climbing trees, dont mix." you say. "Awww, okay, then do you want to play a game on the ground?" he asked widening his eyes. "Play?" you ask. "A game with me, yes." He says taking your hand. "Um, I guess." you say. "Yay! Then you are it." he says dropping your hand and running.

His Confession of Love

The two of you went back and forth chasing after each other. You had forgotten how much fun a stupid little kid game could be. "If you catch me, I'll tell you my name." he says. You were already out of breath, so he let you catch him. "What. Is. It?" you manage. "It's Nathan." he says, "And you are?" "______." you tell him. You both sit down on the grass. The two of you talked (what ever you want to talk about) for 20 minutes. Then, he picked a dandelion, popped the head off and threw it at you. It bounced off your nose. "Hey!" you say getting up. He runs and you chase after him. He climbs up the tree. "That's not fair!" you shout. You turn around and pout a little. Then you felt something tap your shoulder. When you turned back around, Nathan was hanging upside down by what looked like a tail. The catlike ears reappeared. You smiled and giggled, "Hi." "Hi." he said back. Then you leaned over and quickly kissed him.

You choose what happens next

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