Luke Smith Ghost

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Luke Smith

Like: You, the color blue, pianos, and knives

Dislikes: a girl named Samantha, you crying, and cats


• Dark blue hair

• Blue eyes ( None in dreams )

• Dark blue hoodie

• Black pants

• White converses

How You Meet

You were dreaming about being in your new house, there were so many rooms and you were lost. All of a sudden you see a boy with blue hair. You go over to him to ask if he knew the way. As you got closer, you noticed he had no eyes, instead they were empty bleeding sockets, and he was holding a razor. You got a little closer and saw that he had cut his wrists open and was bleeding out. You stopped in your tracks, freaked out. Then the dream shifted. You were in a room, all by yourself. You couldn't move. All of a sudden the door was thrown open. A girl with black hair and red hair was standing there. She was yelling but you couldn't make out what she was saying. She ran up to you and smacked you in the face. But you didn't feel anything. Then she took a razor that was around her neck as a necklace. You saw a pair of hands reach out in front of you, they grabbed her wrists. She was trying to pull away. She got loose and made a slicing motion in the air. You look at your wrist, she got you. When you weren't paying attention, she grabbed your other hand. She looked at you with an evil grin and said "Go to sleep." She pulled it straight, put the razor to your wrist, and cut it. It cut through the tendon. You heard a male voice scream, then everything went black. You woke up shaking. The dream scared you so bad that you couldn't fall back to sleep.

The next few nights the same dream came to you. You finally had enough and asked your parents about the history of the house. They told you a boy did die in the house, but that was a long time ago, you don't believe in ghosts, so no worries. You wanted to know where he died but they didn't know. That night when you to bed, the dream of you being lost started out again. But when the dream shifted, the boy wasn't dead, he looked normal, except for his blue hair. He walked down a familiar hallway turned and beckoned for you to follow. You did. You followed him to an all to familiar room. Your room. He pointed to a spot, whispered the name Samantha and then disappeared. The you woke up. You got out of and turned your light on. You went to the door and turned around. You re imagined the boy and the spot he pointed to. That spot was under your bed. You crawled back into bed and said out loud "I'll check it out tomorrow, I promise." You felt a heaviness feel lift. The next morning you woke up and went down to the shed. In the shed you grab a crow bar and hammer. Then you go back upstairs to your room. You pull apart your bed, and put the crow bar between two floor boards, you hammer the crow bar in between them and pry a board up. It pops clean up. You put your hand down into the hole. You feel around and your hand hits something small and square. You pull out a small box. You carefully take off the lid. Inside were some photos. You pulled them out and looked at them. In them were the boy with the blue hair, and that girl. They looked happy in the photos. You looked at the next photo, the face of the blue haired kid was burned off completely, the edges of the photo were burnt too. The next photo was cut in two. The last photo had two words written in red over it. "You're Dead" You put the photos aside. you pick up the box again and look inside. There was a blood stained razor with a small necklace chain through it. You take it out and hold it in your hand. You suddenly feel a rush of cold air. You shivered. Then you felt like someone was staring at you. You get up and turned around. You jumped and the razor cut your hand. "You scared me!" you shout. The boy with blue hair crossed over to you. "I'm sorry." he said. "Is this what you wanted me to find?" you ask holding out your hand with the razor in it. "Yes. Oh, you are bleeding." He says taking your hand. "I am?" you ask taking back your hand and looking at it. The sight of blood makes you queasy. You feel your stomach flop and start to feel a sharp pain in your hand. A delayed reaction, you assume. He grabs a cloth off of your dresser and presses it to your hand. "You must be more careful." he said. You both hear someone coming upstairs, and he disappeared. Your mom steps into your room and her eyes widened at the mess. "_____ _____ ______! You better fix this mess, or you'll be grounded!" She left. You went to the bathroom and disinfected your hand, you replaced the cloth with a band aid. You returned to your room and picked the razor up off the floor and put it on the dresser. Then you picked up the photos. You turned them around, on the back there were two names Samantha Reeves and Luke Smith. There was also a date, 1985. You put them back into the box which you also put on your dresser. You fixed your bed back up.

His Confession of Love

That night, he came back. He asked about your hand, and you asked about Samantha. He told you she was his ex girlfriend. You showed him the photos, and he told you more. "She went crazy after I came home late one night. I was so tired, I worked later but she wouldst believe me. We argued and I told her I going to bed. 3 hours later, she came in yelling at me. I had no idea what she was ranting about, but then she smacked me. I was wide awake then. She jumped on me and took a razor from around her neck. I didn't know it was real. She unsheathed it and i tried to get her away from me. I grabbed her wrists but she got loose and cut me. It hurt so bad. Then she cut my other wrist, my vision blurred and the last thing I heard her say was 'Go to sleep' and well I guess I died." He said. Listening to his story, you began to cry. "Please, don't cry." he said wrapping his arms around. "But it's so awful. No one should have to die like that."You say. He pulls your face away from his chest. He moves pieces of hair from your tear soaked cheeks. Then he kisses you.

you choose what happens next

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