Daymeion Richards Demon

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Daymeion Richards
Likes: You, fire, dark things
Dislikes: people, light, and the color pink
• Dark red hair
• Maroon eyes
• Dark grey hood
• Black jeans
• Black boots

How You Meet

You were walking home at night. You were staying at your friends house but then you guys got into a big fight. She offered to take you home but you refused. As you were turning the corner, a guy bumped into you. "Hey watch where you're going." you say. The guy just stood there. "Hey man are you there?" you ask waving your hand in front of him. He suddenly grabbed your wrist. "Hey what the-" you stopped and let out a scream. He was staring at you with deep red eyes. He put his hand over your mouth. You try to bite him, but he was wearing thick leather gloves. He starts dragging you to the alley. Then you hear a voice. "Micheal. Let her go." But the guy didn't. "I'm only gonna ask you once." the voice said. The guy only held you tighter, making it even harder for you to breath. "Fine have it your way." the voice said. Due to the lack of oxygen to your brain, you pass out.

His Confession of Love

When you came to, you were buckled up in the passenger seat of a truck. "Where am I?" you ask. "You're in a truck. I'm taking you home, it's not safe out here at night." the driver says. "Who are you?" you ask. "My name is Daymeion." he said. "Do you know that guy who grabbed me?" you ask. "Yeah, his name is Micheal. He's an asshole." he says. "Oh, how do you know where I live?" you ask. "I don't, but now that you are awake, you can tell me." he said. "Well where are we now?" you ask. "We are on Hemlock drive." he says. "Oh, I live on South street." you say. "Okay, I'll turn around up here then." he says driving into someone's driveway to turn around. "Um, Daymeion?" you ask. "Yeah kid?" "I'm hungry." you say. "Well, I think the only places open are fast food places. Do you want a burger?" he says pulling up to McDonald's drive thru speaker. "Uh sure, and can I get a Mellow Yellow (if you don't drink Mellow Yellow then you can replace it with your own favorite drink)." He tells the speaker your order. "Wait, I don't have any money." you say. "It's alright I got it." He says. He pays for the food and hands you your drink and burger. You scarf it down and take a few sips of soda. "So, what's your name?" he asked. "It's ______." you say taking another sip. A another car with their brights on passes you guys. You look over at Daymeion and his eyes flash bright red. "Crap! Turn your brights off asshole!" Daymeion shouts. You gasp at the sight of his eyes. "What the Hell! You are just like him! let me out of the truck!" you shout taking off you seat belt. "No, wait, please." He said slowing down. "No, just let me out." you say pushing open the truck door. "_____, get back in the truck. Come on let me explain." he said tapping the seat. "No!" you shout. You slam the door shut and start walking away. Daymeion gets out and starts following you. "______! Wait, please, stop let me explain." He grabs your hand. You spin around and punch him. "Let me go, you liar!" you shout. He lets you go and rubs his jaw. Instead of running, you stay where you stand, holding your hand. "Look, _____, I'm a demon. But I don't want hurt you please. Trust me. Please let me just take you home so you are safe. Knowing Micheal, he'll be looking for you." You don't know what to do, so you break down into tears. You start to fall and Daymeion catches you. He holds you close to him. "Please don't cry." he says. He holds your face face in both of his hands and wipes your tears. Then you look up at him and stare deep into his eyes. He plants a sweet kiss right on your lips. "______, will you please come back to the truck?" You nod and follow him back to the truck. You get in on the passenger side and buckle up. He gets into the driver seat and starts the truck.

You decide whats next.

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