Gavin Williams Angel

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Gavin Williams

Likes: You, all things good, and the color white

Dislikes: things that harm you, evil, and the color black


• Black hair

• Dark brown; nearly black eyes

• White hoodie

• Grey pants

• White shoes

How You Meet

He has watched over you ever since you were little, and your parents died. One night, he visited you when you were asleep in your bed at your care takers house. You suddenly woke up feeling a shift in the air and on the edge of your bed. You turned to see if it was Alex, a little 4 year old boy that was also adopted. But to your surprise, it was a boy who looked closer to your age. You couldn't tell if your mind was playing tricks on you or if he was real, because he was glowing, and semi transparent. You reached a hand out and touched him. "Am I dreaming?" you ask. "No, I mean yes. Go back to sleep love." He whispered. And you did, but then you sat straight up and looked around, but he was gone. You got up and went over to Alex's bed. You shook him awake. "_____, what is it?"Alex asks rubbing his eyes. "Can you come lay with me?" you ask. "Okay." He says grabbing his blue blanket and crawling into your lap. You pick him up and carry him to your bed. You both fell fast asleep.

His Confession of Love

The next night, the boy visited you again, but this time he wasn't glowing, or transparent. You sat up in your bed. "Hello." you whispered. "Hello love." He said. "Who are you and why are you on my bed?" you ask. "My name is Gavin and I'm your angel." He said. "My angel?" you ask. "Yes, after your parents died, I was sent to watch over you." "So you were watching over me?" you ask. "Yes love, I was." He smiles a sweet smile. "So, you know everything about me?" "Yep, everything, and I know how much you love that little boy over there." he pointed at Alex. He got up and and stroked Alex's little blond curls. He suddenly turns toward you,"Come with me?" "Where?" You ask. "You'll see." He said picking you up. He carried you to the window, opened his wings and flew out. You clung tightly around his neck. He landed by the railroad tracks. "This is my special spot. " he said setting you down. You looked around, all you could see were dark trees, you look up and you see thousands of stars. You sit in awe at the beauty. Then a small cloud formed and it began to sprinkle. "Oh no." you laugh. Gavin sits down next to you. "You have a very beautiful smile." You blush and look away. He puts his hand under your chin and softly kisses you.

You choose what happens next.

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