My promise (Childhood friend, Male Reader) Part 1

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The reader and Misaka know each other during elementary school like 1st or 2nd grade, but Misaka transferred to a different school. This is where Misaka leaves. This is not a flashback.

A small toddler—a boy with his (h/c) was pushed back by the wind as he ran, his (f/sh) Favorite shoes pounding against the ground—pushing him forward, his (f/c) T-shirt shown the sweat around his neck and chest indicating that he tired his body to its limit yet he still run. His (e/c) eyes shown fear, a fear where you would see if someone is about to loose their love one, siblings, parents, or their best friends. That was in the boy's eyes, the fear of losing someone. That someone was no other than Misaka Mikoto.

"Miko-chan! Miko-chan!!" He cried out his friend's nickname as he's approaching to a toddler girl—Misaka, who was holding hands with what appeared-to-be her older sister. The girls were at the front gate of the school, slowly walking away.

The girls looked strikingly similar to each other. The older one was a beautiful lady with long light-shade brown and brown eyes, wearing a rolled-up sleeve white shirt with black tight pants and black flat-shoes. Misaka has the same color for both hair and eyes, but the length of her hair was above her shoulders and a tad bit wilder with a long ahoge on the top of her head, her brown eyes where widen in shock as she saw her friend running towards her. She was wearing a sky-blue dress with the white collar tied up by a red ribbon, and wearing a pair of white socks and shoes.

"(N/n)?!" Misaka cried out as the boy slowed down and placed his hands on his knees to breath. "W-why are you here?"

The boy take serval breaths before he stood up straight and answered, "Don't leave Miko-chan! Don't leave!" His eyes started to tear up as he continued to speak, "You're my best friend....My only friend...I'll be lonely without you..P-Please....Hic. Please don't leave...." He wiped away his tears with his hands, but no matter how many times he tried to remove his tears, they kept flowing.

Misaka started to tear up too as she let go of her "sister's" hand to hold onto the boy's hands. Her tears flow down across her face as she hold tightly to the boy's hands. "I-I'll miss you too...(N/n).....You're my— friend too...I-I don't want to leave...Hic..."

Both of them are crying their hearts out, Misaka lowered her head to prevent herself from seeing her best friend as the boy hold Misaka's held with the same feeling as her.

Misaka's "sister" crouched down to their height, next to Misaka's left side. "So you're Misaka's friend, (L/n) (F/n)." (F/n) faced Misaka's sister while the tears kept flowing down from his cheeks. He take couple of breaths and let's go of Misaka's hands to introduce himself while Misaka tried to wipe her tears away with her sleeves.

"Y-yes..I-I'm (L/n) (F/n)...." He tried to wipe away his tears.

"Nice to meet you, (L/n)-kun. I'm Misaka Misuzu, Mikoto's mother." Misuzu let out a small yet kind smile. Yet, (F/n)'s eyes widen in complete shock!

"M-Miko-chan's m-m-mother?!" (F/n) exclaimed as his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. Misaka took noticed and she buffed her cheeks in anger, assuming that he starting to like her mother. He lowered his head to hide the blush as he explained, "I..I thought you were.....I thought you were Miko-chan's sister....."

"Haha. Is that so?" Misuzu let out a soft giggle while Misaka buffed her cheeks more and started yell, "(N/n)!! Are you starting to like my mama?!"

"Eh? N-No! That's not it!!" (F/n) tried to calm Misaka down and Misuzu kept giggling as she watching them.

Misaka finally calmed down but soon after, she started to laugh and (F/n) laughed too. Later, both settled down with Misaka give a sad smile, "I'm really going to miss you, (N/n)..."

"Me too...." (F/n) frowned, remembering that Misaka's leaving.. "Hey! Let's make a promise!" Misaka said, hoping to cheer (F/n).

"A promise?" (F/n) asked Misaka for a clarification.

"Yeah, we'll promise each other that we will see other again." Misaka answered as she stick her right pinky up, "Pinky promise! We'll even pinky promise!" (F/n) nodded with a smile as he joined Misaka's pinky with his.

Both of them yelled, "Pinky promise!"

That's it for part 1. Hope you enjoyed it.

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