The promise (Childhood friend, Male Reader) Finale

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"Where in the hell is he?!" (F/F/n) thought to himself, looked around from his seat, though it caused some girls to look at him, strangely. (F/f/n) finally manage to find a seat for (F/n) and himself, but it was getting more crowded that he have to gave up (F/n)'s seat to someone else.

"He's going to miss it!" (F/F/n) whispered then suddenly, he heard a flute playing. He watched carefully at the crowd, they were whispering to each other as the flute was playing a song, he recently learned that Misaka played the violin, he now wonders—who's playing the flute?!
He then heard a girl's voice saying in a whisper, "What on earth is going on?!" He spotted the girl, who's responsible for that statement—two rows in front of him and two seats from the right; she was wearing a maid outfit, her red curly hair was tied in twin-tails style, but he noticed that she was holding a camera and expressing shock.

Wait...Isn't that?! He thought to himself, Oh no..!

"I can't believe you still play with the flute." Misaka whispered that statement as she gets her violin ready.

"Hey! I love to play it!" (F/n) whispered back as he cleaned a flute, from one of the boxes, with his handkerchief.

"I thought you might grow out of it..You know? I still remember you playing your flute when we first met."

"Well, I need to do something to kill time. I didn't have anyone else to hang around with...after that day you left..." (F/n) frowned a little while putting his handkerchief in his pocket.

Misaka took notice with a small frown as she look at (F/n), but gave a small smile as she placed her right hand on his shoulder, (F/n) looked at Misaka with confusion in his eyes. "Hey, you're not alone now. I'm here."

(F/n)'s eyes widen but soon relaxed and smiled, "Yeah..Thank you."

Misaka grew a bigger smile and said, "Let's give them a show."

(F/F/n) looked at the stage and saw Misaka walking out with the violin in her hand, she ready herself and moments after—she started to play along.

Focusing on the song being play, everyone settled down and listened...The song played out and can be heard out toward the rest of the school ground . It relaxed everyone's minds..well all except two... (F/F/n) and the red head twin tail girl...Kuroko.

Unknown from the crowd, Misaka and (F/n) never felt happier before. As both of them playing the song, they started to remember the memories back when they were kids.
From their first meeting...playing games with the other kids...helping each other with school work...and their once final goodbyes...

It brought tears to (F/n)'s eyes, it was painful have an opportunity to play a song with Misaka now, those tears aren't just filled with sadness of the past...they were also tears of joy of the present.
And unknown to him, Misaka was tearing up too...However, no one else noticed it because her eyes are closed and happened to be smiling.

The song ended and the crowd applauded, excitedly—some people are wiping their tears off their eyes, few cheered, and couple of them just simply smiled. Misaka bowed her head to the crowd and quickly leaves the stage, hurrying to (F/n). (F/n) was wiping his tears off and saw Misaka quickly walking to him. He set the flute down and smiled, "You did great out there."

Misaka grinned at (F/n) before putting her violin away in her violin case, "Hey! Both of us did a great job."

(F/n) saw some tear tracks from Misaka's face. "Mikoto? Are you okay?"

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