Happy Valentine's Day (Male/Female Reader)

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Okay, sorry everyone. For this one-shot, it's the reader's point-of-view—just to clarify the changes with each one-shots that I may have forgotten to mention in the previous one-shots.

My name is (L/n) (F/n). I lived in Academy City where the impossible can be possible with science. For example, people in Academy City have powers—they are known as "Esper." It has a level system from zero to five where five is the highest level the Esper can be—and there's only seven of them. But there's one level five Esper that caught my attention...and her name is Misaka Mikoto...

Misaka is the most powerful electro-master Esper in the city, and she goes to a private rich school known as Tokiwadai Middle School. How did I know this? Well..I met her...when I was trying to protect one of her friend...

It happened one day when I was walking in the alleyway to the mall and encountered one of Misaka's friends named Saten Ruiko. Saten was going through the alleyway to meet up with her friends, but we got caught attention by couple of thugs...We tried to escape together but they were persistent bunch and we ran from them while Saten was making a call to her friends, it didn't last long because Saten tripped from her sandals. Before I used my esper ability to stop those thugs from moving, Saten's other friends teleported out of nowhere—one of the girls was Uiharu Kazari, who goes to the same school as Saten, and the other is Kuroko Shirai, who goes to the same school as Misaka. Uiharu and Kuroko were members of Judgement, a small enforcement organization of students.
While Kuroko was doing the procedure as a Judgment officer..Misaka showed up.. The thugs tried to intimidate her but..before I knew it, Misaka has electrocute those thugs in a blink of an eye...That's where I first met Misaka...

From that day forward, I became friends with all of them. From the casually hangouts in a restaurant, going to the arcade, eating crepes with my other friends..At first, I like Misaka as a friend, ya'know? Though after some time, I starting to see Misaka as..cute..And I don't mean the "Saten's" version of cute where she teased Misaka to the point where Misaka stuttered and blushed madly...Though I do admit Misaka is cute when she does that...

I meant cute like.. "Seeing her smile whenever I get the chance to see her" kind of cute. And this where I'm convinced that I like Misaka more than friends...

Anyway, where I am going with this? Well...There is just couple of days left for Valentine's Day..The frightful day for poor single people...I was preparing myself mentally to ask Misaka to be my Valentine...But....I didn't got anything for her....

I'm in a restaurant called Joseph's Coffee and Restaurant with Saten...I asked her for advices...And she's the closet friend I made when we first met...And also the only one who knew that I have feelings to Misaka....

"So~? How is your plan of having Misaka to be your Valentine?" Saten asked as she was taking a drink of her tea while I was holding my head and scratching my hair, furiously from frustration.

"No good!!" I was yelling in a low tone so I wasn't disturbing the people but loud enough for Saten to hear. "I simply don't have the money to get those rare Gekota merch that Misaka wanted..!" I let my chin rest on the table as Saten stopped drinking her tea and starting to think.

"Hmm...How about you make something for her?" Saten suggested.

"Like what exactly?" I asked for clarification of Saten's suggestion.

"Like chocolate!" Saten said with a smile and a confident attitude, "I'll even help you out!"

I thought about Saten's suggestion for a moment, it does like a good idea but... "Hmm..Maybe not chocolate.."

"Eh? Why not?" Saten asked for clarification.

"Well..Since Misaka is popular in her school, the chances of her receiving chocolates or letters are guaranteed..And that's a lot of competition for me, I don't want that..I have to give her something that is unique for her." I reasoned Saten to a degree and said it with determination.

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