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Peter looked at the napkin in his hand in shock. He couldn't believe Tony Stark had given him his number. Of course it could be fake. But what if if it wasn't? But then again, why would Tony Stark, world famous brain surgeon, be interested in him of all people? He sighs softly and carefully folds it before putting in his pocket. He looks up as Ned came towards him.

"Did you just get flowers and hit on by Tony Stark?" He gaped.

"I...think so? I don't know.'

"You're gonna see him again right?"

"I don't know! Maybe?"

"Dude you have to! No one gets flowers from Tony Stark. You should call him."

Peter flushes brightly. "You think so?"

"Duh! Come on, maybe he wants a private performance?" Ned waggles his eyebrows.

"I-" Peter snapped his eyes up from the flower he had been looking at. "You think so? But why?"

"Dude just call him."

"Well I can't tonight. He just left. I think something happened at the hospital. He got paged." Peter shrugged. "He's got more important things to do than hang around me."

"Don't talk down on yourself like that. I'll smack you." Ned says, slight thumping the side of Peter's head. Peter swats his hand away.

"Sorry sorry. It won't happen again."

"Damn right it won't happen again." Ned nods. "Now come on. Director wants a team meeting."


Tony sighs softly, leaning against the wall. He was exhausted. His patient hard coded and needed emergency surgery. This is what happens when he missed work. Thankfully they managed to save the man, but the surgery took four hours and Tony was running on half an hour of sleep and a Red Bull. He musters a smile as he makes his way to the patient's family.

"Doctor Stark." A frazzled looking black haired woman calls. "How is he? Jermey? Is he okay?"

"Jeremy is just fine. He is sleeping now. We had quite the scare with internal bleeding but we caught it and fixed it." Tony smile is a little more real now as the woman's face broke into tears of relief.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." She moves forward and hugs him. Tony, used to this reaction, hugs her back.

"It's my pleasure." He whispers. He lets her hug him until she lets go and he pats her arm. "Have a good night." He smiles once more before heading to an oncall room and collapsing on one of the beds. He pulls out his phone and checks his messages.

Received Unknown Number: Hi. This is Peter. I'm not sure if this is really your number or not and if it's not, I completely understand. It's not a good idea to give your number to random strangers at fancy parties.......Anyway. I just wanted to say thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful and I'm glad you enjoyed the show.

Tony couldn't help but chuckle at that. He looks at the time. Half past three AM.

Sent Unknown Number: I'm glad you liked them. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful person. I hope to see you again soon. Either on stage or in a more private setting.

After sending the text, Tony saved the number to his contacts. He didn't expect an answer, as it was so late. He instead pulls up youtube and puts Peter's name in the search bar. A list of videos popped up and he clicked the first one. It looked like an audition video. Peter was dancing around with a huge smile on his face and singing "Lay Your Love on Me". He was dancing around with a girl who was pretty cute, with a pixie like face. The whole performance screamed sexy. But that was the nature of the song after all. The video was interrupted by his phone buzzing with a new text message.

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