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Hey y'all. Sorry I took so long with this update. Now that I'm mostly settled with my new job, I should be able to update every Monday or Tuesday of each week until this is finished.


Finally Peter was able to start PT and he could feel that it was going to be a long day. Getting out of the bed was one thing, standing upright was another. Walking was an entirely different beast all together. Dr. Romanova was pretty patient with him. He asked her multiple times if she thought he could actually walk again. Every time, she calmly told him that he was doing great. The woman honestly had the patience of a saint. Walking wouldn't come yet, as he was still having trouble staying upright by himself. He was sore and just wanted to sleep. He glances over to the door, distracted. He wanted to see Tony, but also didn't want to see Tony. He wanted Tony to be proud of him for something. He feels the back of his head being lightly slapped and he snapped out of his thoughts.

"If you don't stop staring into space, I'm going to let you fall on your face."

"You wouldn't!" Peter pouts a little. She raises an eyebrow and loosens her grip. Peter stumbles and flails his arms. She catches him easily and smirks.

"Believe me now?"

"That was mean." Peter pouts.

"What's on your mind, Spiderling?" She asked, sitting him down slowly in a chair.


"That's not answering the question."

Peter sighs a little. "I don't.....I don't know if Tony and I are the right thing."

Something flashed in the woman's eyes but her speech remained calm. "Explain?"

"Tony is amazing, you know that. But am I really good enough for him? I mean, he's a brain surgeon for god's sake. One of the the world. And I'm just an ex-dancer. He saves lives for a living."

Dr. Romanova nods a little. "Tony is a special person. He's a man with a broken past. I have never seen him smile as much as he does since he met you. He is legitimately happy. He hasn't lost a case since you two became a thing. You're like his saving grace or something. His good luck charm. Never doubt your self worth Peter."

Peter looks down. "Yeah. You're right. It was dumb."

Did Tony really believe he was good luck? He didn't feel like he deserved it but he wasn't going to argue with Tony. Or Dr. Romanova because she kinda scared him.

"Peter I don't blame you for questioning yourself, but maybe you should talk to him about all this."

"No." Peter shakes his head. "No. I can't. I don't want to worry him."


Tony makes his way across the lobby area to look at the surgical board. It looked like he was clipping an aneurysm in a bit and he had to check on Aaron. He would like to spend some time in the ER today. Maybe he could catch Peter for lunch and he could finally meet Steve. He'd ask Nat. Turning on his heel, Tony makes his way towards Aaron's room. As he walked, he sings softly to himself. 'Sweet Caroline' typically comes to mind when he had moments like this. They were rare before he met Peter, but they did happen.

"Sweeet Carolineeee, bum bum bum, good times never seemed so good-"

"My god, you're smitten." A voice behind him interrupted.

Tony stops and turns. Stephen stood there with an amused look on his face.

"I can't help it!" He grins. "It's a good feeling, to have someone want you for more than your brain. Pun intended."

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