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Peter wakes up around eleven to a text from Tony.

Received Tony: Make sure to hydrate today when you practice. I'd hate to see you in the ER due to collapsing.

Peter smiles softly before getting up and snapping a picture of his water bottle and sending.

Sent Tony: We still on for tonight?

He gets up and gets dressed, finding a pair of soft pants and a button down. He decided to go to the studio to work on some the dances he was given as the dancing part of the audition. The dance was fairly simple but that means he had to be perfect and no less. Of course, with his standards, anything less than perfect wasn't good enough.

Peter was making a sandwich when his phone pinged. He sets the knife down and unlocked it.

Received Tony: Of course. I'm looking forward to it. Did you sleep well?

SentTony: I did. Did you?

Peter puts the phone in his pocket and slides his shoes on, grabbing his sandwich and his keys. He takes a bite and walks out, locking the door before going to to his car. His phone buzzed as he was unlocking his car.

Received Tony: I'm a doctor. There's no such thing as a good night sleep anymore.

SentTony: Oh. I'm sorry :(

Peter slides into the car and sets his phone into the passenger seat, finishing his sandwich and taking off to the studio. This was the studio where he learned to dance and it was his safe haven. He greets the lady at the desk, Sherri.

"How are you doing today Peter?"

"I'm doing great. How's the kids?" Peter smiles.

"Growing like weeds. So, Something Rotten, huh? Which character?"

"William Shakespeare." Peter laughs a little.

Sherri raises an eyebrow. "Wanting a reason to take your shirt off on stage?" She teases.

"Are you complaining?"

"Not at all. I just need to know when I can clear my calendar to come watch." She wiggles her eyebrows. Peter chuckles.

"Behave Sherri." He scolds.

"Or what? You'll spank me?"

Peter rolls his eyes with a smile. Sherri was a flirt but was harmless. She drops off a muffin on her desk before making his way into the studio. He sits his bag down and kneels next to the stereo and connected his phone. He sits with his legs out and stretches, before picking himself up and beginning to dance around the room. He lets himself get caught up in the music and the moments just come naturally.


Tony smiles as he finishes his rounds, making his way to the break room for coffee. He nearly runs into Stephen Strange on his way though. Stephen was the head of neurosurgery.

"Woah!" Stephen stumbles back a little. "Earth to Stark."

Tony shakes his head. "Sorry sorry."

"What's got you so distracted?" Stephen moves aside so Tony could get to the coffee pot.

"I'm tired mostly."

"But you're in a good mood. You're an asshole when you're tired. Did you have sex?" Stephen asked with an amused smile.

"No." Tony takes a deep drink from his mug. He hums at the strength. It tasted amazing.

"I don't believe you."

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