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Tony was almost asleep when his phone started blaring 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran. That was the ringtone he set for Peter. Was he hallucinating? Why would Peter be calling him? Scrambling for his phone, he answers it.

"H-hello?" Amazingly, his voice sounded steadier than he felt.


"Peter. You're real." His voice was as soft as Peter's was.

" Of course I'm real." The tiniest bit of a smile shone through the younger man's voice. "I know I was an ass to you and I don't blame you if you hate me but do you think...You could come up here?"

"Peter...I don't hate you."

There is silence for a moment.

"Can you come up here?" Peter's voice wavers a little. "Please? I need to see you."

"I'm on my way."

"Thank you."

Tony pulls on his shoes and looks around for his keys.


"Yes love?" Tony asked, sliding out his door and locking it.

"Can.....can you stay on the line until you get here? You're voice is comforting. It's the one thing that I have from before."

Tony doesn't have an answer for that. He just wanted to hold Peter and never let him go.

"Yeah, I'll stay on the line. So talk to me. How are you feeling? Are they treating you okay?"

"I'm starting to get feeling in my leg again, which hurts like hell by the way but painkillers are a blessing. I've noticed there are a lot of redheads here. Oh and Dr. Romanova says I can start PT in a few days so I suppose that's good."

Tony chuckles a little.

"Have you met T'Challa King yet?"

"Oh yeah! He's nice."

"His sister works in plastics. I think you two would get along."

"Maybe I'll meet her. I seem to be meeting a lot of people. I met a guy from peds today."

"Guy from peds?"

"Big guy. Kinda scary looking. Ex cop with a fake arm that's all doodled up?"

"Ah. Bucky. Don't let how he looks scare you. He's a big softie, especially around Steve."

"Steve? The guy who helped him?"

"Peter, Steve and Bucky are engaged. Theirs is the wedding I invited you to."

"Oh! That's sweet. So when do I get to meet Steve then? It's only fair if I meet both halves of the couple. And they are friends of yours so it's fair right?" Peter babbles a little

"I'll see if I can set something up. We'll do lunch or something. How does that sound?"

"Only if you want to. I don't want to impose."

"I'm sure they'd love to. Steve has already asked twice. He's kinda old fashioned in his ways. He wants to take us out and pay forit himself. He's such a dad but it's sweet."

"Well okay....If he insists."

Tony smiles. "Well I can't exactly argue with my boss."

"Yeah that is true."

Tony pulls into the parking lot and turns his car off.

"Do you want me to bring you something from the cafeteria?" He asked, suddenly remembering he hadn't eaten all day.

Life ChangesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz