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Disclaimer: I know absolutely nothing about medical stuff so all I know is from Google and doctor shows. Feel free to correct anything

Tony looked down as his pager went off. He sits his fork down and picks it up. His fork falls to the table and he jumps up. Oh shit. He darts out of the cafeteria and heads down to where Pepper was.

"Pepper, what-" He stops dead, seeing the pale face on the bed. "Peter?" His voice is barely a whisper. He looked at Pepper."What the hell happened to him?"

"I don't know." She says softly. "He hasn't woken up yet."

"I just talked to him less than an hour ago! He was fine then..." Tony runs a shaky hand through his hair.

"Tony are you going to be able to work this case?"

"If I'm needed. Has he damaged any nerves?"

"We're about to find out." She says.

Peter stirs with a groan and a cry of pain. The honey colored eyes fly open.


Tony was at his side immediately.

"Peter, what happened?"

"Tony, it hurts. It hurts a lot. I can't feel my-my leg." Peter is crying now, his pretty face skewed in pain.

"Peter. I need you to tell me what happened." Tony says, trying to fight back his own tears. By some miracle, he was able to keep his voice steady.

"I was dance-dancing!" He cried out again and tried to grab at his leg but that only made him cry out again. "I fell!" He yells and squeezes his eyes shut. It made Tony's heart hurt.

"We're going to see exactly what happened. We're are going to fix this and you'll be dancing again soon. I promise."

Peter nods, his eyes still shut and he was still crying.

"Get him some pain killers and let me know as soon as you find out how bad this is."

"Tony! Please....Don't leave. Please." Peter reached for him. "Don't leave me alone. I need.....I need...." He shifts and cries out again.

"Shh. It's okay. I'm here." Tony smooths his hand through Peter's hair. "We're gonna get you all fixed up. I promise." He whispers. "We gotta get you up to x-ray and check your leg okay?"

"Just make the pain stop!"

Tony looks up at Pepper as a new person enters the room. Natasha Romanova, an orthopedic surgeon. Tony makes eye contact and she nods. Tony stands, but Peter has an iron grip.


"Peter we are going to go look at your leg now."

"I'm scared."

"Peter, my name is Dr. Romanova. I'm going to be doing your x-ray."

Peter looks up at Tony. He felt his leg getting numb and he felt that was a bad sign.

"Tony I can't feel my leg."

"We need to get this looked at. Now. Peter, Dr. Romanova is very good at what she does and she is going to get you fixed up okay?"

Peter squeezes Tony's hand and nods just a little.

" me." He whimpers.

"Let's get going." The red haired doctor says, and Peter feels Tony get up. HIs eyes fly open.

"Tony?" Peter gasped.

"Don't worry. I'm here. I just can't ride the bed up to x-ray."

"Come with me?"

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