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Cams POV-

I woke up with extreme pain all over my body. Not a shock at all after the beating I got yesterday. Apparently someone spotted me speaking to Maddie at the wash yesterday and they had told Nash. He caught me off guard walking to lunch and that's when it all went down. He and his crew pounded me so hard I could barely walk. I was practically forced to skip the rest of the day.

I'm not sure why Nash cared so much about me talking to Maddie. It's not like she would even remember the conversation. I mean she was the biggest name in school and I was just me. It's like he didn't want her to remember me...

Getting to work today was hard, working today was even harder. Also I was ashamed of how I looked at the moment. My face was covered in purple bruises and I had a black eye. Just as I was almost finished my shift I was told one more car needed a waxing. I stepped outside and immediately tried to come up with an excuse to get away from this one car, but it was too late.

"Cameron is it?!" She yelled as she hopped out of her car and ran over to me. I tried to get away but she grabbed onto me.

"Listen you really shouldn't be talking to me. It could get both of us in some serious trouble." I replied not facing her, in hopes she didn't notice my bruises. But it was too late she had already yanked me around so I was facing her.

"What happened to your face?! Did someone do this to you?!" She was acting as if she cared.

"Does it really matter to you?! You're acting as if you care when in reality you haven't even spoken to me in years Maddie!" I was yelling now. Honestly this felt great.

"What?" She said acting confused.. Did she really not know?

"Nothing. It doesn't matter. I have to start walking now or I'll be late to class." I grabbed my stuff and started walking. Leaving Maddie to stand and wonder.

Luckily Nash wasn't in school today so I could walk the hallways without worry. He was probably off getting high with his friends. I saw Maddie several times but she didn't try to talk to me. Probably too scared it would ruin her reputation. The day went by fast and I was glad to get to the safety of my own home.


Yay for a double update! Can I get this story to 75 reads by tonight?! It would honestly mean the world to me. An for those of you that don't know this story is kind of based of the 90210 series but runes Magcon. If you haven't seen it you should really watch it!

So 75 by tonight?!

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