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Cams POV-

It was around 8:30 pm on Friday and I was sitting at home, alone, watching tv whilst everyone else at my school was at some sort of party or event. That's usually how it went for me. Just chillin at home by myself. Quite frankly I didn't mind it, I kind of liked being alone, it gave me time to think. I usually thought about school or some show or something like that, but tonight was different.. Tonight all I could think about was Maddie and why she wanted to talk to me so bad. We weren't friends anymore and I hadn't done anything to affect her, except maybe missed a spot on her car. So the fact that she tried so hard to talk to me the other morning completely blew my mind, and I couldn't help but wonder why in the world she wanted to talk to me. I finished up my movie around 9:15 and was literally just getting in bed when the door bell rang.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door and there she was. Standing there was Maddie, the most gorgeous girl I had ever seen, standing at my door.

"Hello..?" I said quietly, slightly confused as to why she was here so late at night.

"Cameron we need to talk, and this time I'm not leaving until we do talk." She said sounding very demanding.

"Look Maddie, I'm not sure why you're here and want to talk to me, but you really should go. You being here could end up with me in lots of trouble."

"What with your mom?" She said giving me a dirty look.

"Actually no, with you're boyfriend Nash."

"What?" She was acting as if she didn't know!

"Oh don't play stupid with me Maddie. Everyone in the school knows about him threatening me." Did she really not know? No she had to know, basically everyone did. I couldn't get in twenty feet of Maddie without some stranger shoving me away.

"What are you talking about? What did Nash say to you?" She really didn't know... Should I tell her?

"It doesn't matter, but why are you here?"

"Cameron you better tell me what Nash said to you." Well I had to tell her now. She was extremely demanding and always got what she wanted. Typical rich kid style.

"You're lovely boyfriend told me that if I spoke to you again that he'd basically kill me. So yeah that's that. And that's why you need to leave."

"What..... He would never-"

"Well he did so you need to leave."

"No. I'm gonna talk to Nash. Now you and I need to talk," she said walking into my kitchen," about how I've changed... I'm sorry cam. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it. Cam we used to be best friends! But then I turned into...into this person I'm really not.. And you know that! Cam I miss our friendship. You were really the only person that listened to me when I talked. I'm not sure what made me become this person, but I hate who I am now. A lot." Tears ran down her cheeks. "I hate having to pick on innocent people and I hate how I treat you. Cam i'm begging you, begging you to at least forgive me. Just please reach inside and try to forgive me." She turned away sniffing through the tears. I saw her wipe her cheeks and for a second I really wanted to forgive her, but then I remembered all the things she did to me.. And I just knew that sorry really couldn't fix this, Maddie was going to have to try much harder than this. She needed to prove to me that she was honestly, truly sorry.

"Listen, Maddie I really want to forgive you. I do, but you've done nothing to show me you're actually sorry! You're too embarrassed to speak to me in the halls! And I know you're probably going to say that it's because of your position in school but to me that doesn't matter. I'm sorry, but apologizing just really won't fix this.."

Maddie's smile dropped, and it was obviously because no one had ever rejected her before. Even more tears poured down her face.

"You know what.. You're actually right. I do need to prove-" the door flew open and slammed into the wall making both Maddie and I jump.

"WHATS GOING ON IN HERE?!" In stormed and angry faced Nash.

"What the.... How did you get in here?! Why are you here?!" I screamed at him. He had no place to be here right now and I was not going to let him pick on me in the one place I felt safe. "GET OUT NOW."

"Oh" he laughed, "so now you decide to stand up for yourself, huh punk?" He said shoving me. I straightened up and sized up to him.

"This is my house and you're going to leave. Now."

"Nash why are you here?" Maddie said speaking up for the first time since her angry boyfriend walked in.

"Actually Maddie the question is why are you here? Talking to this loser. And you," he said pointing to me, "I told you to stay away from my girlfriend!" He swung a punch at me, but luckily I ducked away in time.

"Nash! Stop it now!" Maddie said grabbing onto his shirt and trying to pull him back. Nash turned around and shoved her off of him. Maddie slammed back into the wall, hitting her head hard.

"WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?!" I screamed getting a good grip on Nash and slamming him into the wall next to Maddie. I threw one punch and then another, getting in at least three good punches before Nash got a grip of my fist and slammed me into the counter.

"Think you're so tough?! That's hilarious!" Nash got in a few good punches before we heard Maddie scream. We both looked over and she was sitting up against the wall with her hand on her head.

"STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!" She was crying so hard. "Nash you need to leave now. And Cameron, you and I need to finish our talk." At first Nash just stood there, but eventually let go of me and stormed out slamming the door. I ran over to Maddie and helped her up.


Okay so this was a very eventful chapter lol

But thankyou all for 200+ reads! It actually means a lot to me. And sorry for taking so looongggg to update but I was busy so yeah. I won't be updating again until I get home from vacation or get 50 votes

Could you guys leave me some suggestions in the comments? And I might need someone to be a new character! So comment if you be interested:)

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