Chapter Six

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Miles' formal tone set me on edge. He had been my closest friend since the time we first met at Eton and had never been of a serious disposition. His willingness to go along with anything and everything had made us instant friends, much to the exasperation of our teachers. We had had some of the best times together.

"What do we need to talk about, Miles?" I asked warily. He was a good two inches taller than I was, and I knew full well was capable of defeating me if we came to blows. Though I wasn't sure why I expected that to be a possibility. After all, he had only said he wanted to talk. "Why didn't you say you were coming?"

"Phoebe Ramsey."

Shelving my curiosity for the moment, I nodded in understanding. He was no doubt still under the impression it was expected for me to marry her. "Ah, I see. You will be happy to know I spoke to Phoebe earlier today and resolved everything."

"She is a fine girl, and I want your word you will treat her right."

"Now hold on, Miles." I held my hands up in surrender. When had he become so fond of silly Phoebe? "I am not going to marry her!"

My friend's hands balled into fists. "Luke, I will not stand by and watch you ruin her!"

"Miles, you need to take a moment and calm down," I couldn't help but be surprised by his reaction and immediately went on the defensive. "No one's reputation has been ruined. She and I discussed it, like adults, and we both agreed we wouldn't suit. In fact, I had the feeling she was expecting you to be at the pond early this morning, not me."

Breathing out, Miles collapsed onto the bench. "She was waiting for me at the pond?"

"It certainly appeared to be so, and she mentioned you by name. Never say you had a rendezvous planned and then didn't show up! Bad form, Miles. That is the last thing you do to a lady."

"It was wrong of me to plan to meet her, and I realized it this morning." His expression became sheepish. "For all intents and purposes, you were her betrothed. I had no business arranging to meet her privately."

I couldn't resist teasing him. "Still, you didn't keep your word. A lady does not forget a thing like that." A panicked look came to Miles' face, and he sent a glance in the direction of Braglow. "She'll forgive you if you go over there now."

Miles shook his head. "At this hour, she will be out making visits, or at home with other people visiting her. I will have to try tomorrow morning."

"I didn't know you were interested in Phoebe Ramsey," I said, curious to know how the attachment had started. All I could remember was when Miles would visit in the summer, and he would help me plot against Phoebe and her cousins.

He shrugged his shoulder. "She came out this past Season with Philippa, you know. Since you weren't there to make sure no rogue tried to take advantage of two young ladies from the country, I kept an eye on them both. I knew you would have done the same if I'd had a sister coming out."

I couldn't tell him since he didn't have a sister, I would never have even considered the idea. I made a noncommittal sound and returned my gaze to where I could see the horses being exercised. "Thank you for looking out for Philly. I don't suppose you can say anything about this Bartholomew Talbot?"

"Well, he's too serious for my taste, but seemed respectable enough. He was all concern when it came to Philippa. It wasn't a surprise at all when the announcement of their engagement was made."

"You're no more help than Philly." Philippa was my only younger sister, so a little bit of concern about her choice of marriage mate was only natural. 'Serious' and Philippa did not go hand in hand.

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