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Next day.
(I went to school with Liam.)
Liam: you go to class first, I have a work to do.
Y/n: no !! You're not doing anything fishy.
Liam : I will catch up later.
(He ran away)
Y/n: Yaahh!!!Liam..
( I wanted to run after him but I was stopped by Jeni. Jeni is my classmates and taeyong's cousin)

Jeni : I want to talk to you . Come with me.
Y/n : What do you wanna talk?
Jeni : Y/n!! When you left taeyong's home yesterday, I was there and I heard your conversation.
Y/n : so..
Jeni : you're misunderstanding.
Y/n : What do you mean.?
Jeni : the day when taeyong splashed water over you , it was because those crazy girls had put animals shit on your clothes.
Y/n : Then how could I not smell when..wait I was suffering from common cold.
Jeni: Yess ..
(Jeni showed me the video where those crazy girls were putting shit over me without my knowledge.)
Jeni: And about the day when you were beaten by those girls look at this video.

(She showed me the video where taeyong was scolding those crazy girls and was angrily warning them. And he was carrying me on his arms. )

Y/n :Where did you find these videos.?
Jeni: I have connections, you know.
Y/n : oh no, I have said so rubbish to him. I have to apologize to him.

( Everybody come to the terrace. Liam and taeyong are fighting.)

Y/n: Whatttttt!!!!
(Everyone ran to the roof).
(Liam and taeyong were battling )
Y/n: Liam!!! Taeyong !!! Please stop.... (I shouted but it was of no use)

I went to them and started trying to make them apart. Liam pushed taeyong and I also stumbled and we both landed on the ground. I was above him and our eyes met again with our noses inches apart only. I could feel his heavy breathing. And he looked so handsome and heavenly from my angle and I couldn't stop myself , I was falling for him.

Liam stood me up and his anger was not cool down so I took him to the hall so that I could explain him the misunderstanding. Firstly , he didn't believe me and thought that I was making it up , but after Jeni showed the video , Liam believed me.

Y/n: lets go and make things alright.
Liam: we don't ...
Y/n: shhhh... Come with me.

(Taeyong was in the cafeteria.)
Y/n: Taeyong ....
Tae: Hmmm..what is it?
Y/n : I'm sorry.   I'm really sorry for misunderstanding you and shouting at you .
Tae: it's not your fault, situations were bad so don't worry.
(He gave an assuring smile)
Liam:. I'm sorry too for fighting and yeah let's be on good terms. Ok!!
Tae:  your punch is pretty hard bro.
Liam: haha .. and your not that bad either.

( I was happy that all the misunderstandings were cleared and we became friends. We four ; Liam , me , taeyong and Jeni are together most of the time nowdays)

So the school festival is at the end of the week. We practised hard for the dance.
Luckily Liam was jeni's partner at dance. So it was fun.

Tae: y/n , if you're free then let's go grab some McDonald's.
Y/n : sounds good!!!
(So we ordered plenty of stuffs..)
Tae: I have to tell you something.
Y/n: yes .. tell me.
Liam: heyyyy guys!!!!
(Liam came excitedly .)
Y/n: where's Jeni ?
Liam: she went home.
Y/n: ohh!! She must have been tired. Ok taeyong , what were you telling.
Tae: I'll tell next time. The order is here. Let's eat.

Next day.
So we were on the field trip for our project and we had to go to the top of the mountain.
It was exhausting but as we reached the top the view was breathtaking and it cooled our mind and body.
Suddenly , i started shivering. I'm acrophobic ( fear of heights). My breathing was heavy and I had blurred vision.

But as I felt  warm on my back. My pain and stress was relieved. Taeyong backhugged me with his head on my shoulder and hands wrapped around my waist. I  feel safe. And his warmth brightens  me up.

Tae: it's alright , I'm here.
His voice brought chills down my spines and I don't want this moment to end. I felt good as I have never felt before when I'm with him.

Limitless Love ( Nct Taeyong ) { COMPLETED}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt