Before You Read...

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As much as you might want to get to the Harry Potter fun that lies ahead, I'm going to put this little chapter here with some important information! You can read it or skip over it! Nothing super essential here!

1.) I do not own the Harry Potter series. Obviously and unfortunately, I am not J.K. Rowling.

2.) This is the second book in my Lily Potter series. If you're just starting this series, you are not in the right place, my friend! Check out Lily Potter and Neoma's Trance first, and then, I'll (hopefully) see you back here!

3.) The first book in this series, the aforementioned Lily Potter and Neoma's Trance, was written and published here in 2013 and 2014. Meaning? It was published before a lot of new canon information was released by J.K. Rowling through Pottermore or Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. If there is something in my book that does not follow her canon, that's probably why.

4.) There is a companion book to this series, entitled Lily Potter and the Companion Stories, which will include short stories about the characters of these books that just didn't fit into the plot of the main series. If you are inclined to do so, you can read them whenever, but they could include some spoilers if you read them too soon. To prevent this, there will be a line in the author's note of a chapter that will inform you of when you can safely read a particular story without having to worry about spoilers!!

5.) Be sure to check out my other stories if you get the chance!

Now, for the story!


Lily Potter and the Shadows' MisfortuneWhere stories live. Discover now