Chapter 2

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"What are you doing in here!?" I exclaimed

"Are you not paying attention to what I'm saying?" He said

"No not really because its-" I check my phone "10:48 p.m. And I'm really tired so go away you creep."

He put his hand on his chest and said "I am not a creep." "Oh yes you are! You just decide to follow me around and go into my house-"

How did he get into my house?

"I got into your house by walking through the door. Your parents were very nice." "What did you do to them?!" I didnt give him time to anwser because I ran downstairs to see if they were okay. And they were. They were just sitting there watching TV.

"Are you guys okay?" They looked up from there show and said "Ya,are you guys okay?" "Ya, we..... are fine."

I walked back upstairs. The guy was sitting on my desk.

Wait, I dont even know his name.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot, so lets start over. My name is Jasper."

I sat down on bed and said "Yes, yes we did get off on the wrong foot, and my name is-"

He cut me off and said "I know your name. And I just walked through the door after you rudely slammed the door in my face."

Wait, what?

"And I waited a couple of seconds knocked on the door and said." He walked out shut the door, opened it back up and said "Oh Hi I'm Brooklyn's friend, she left her waterbottle at the track. Can I give it to her?" Then he walked back in shut the door quietly. "But how come you went into my sisters room?"

"No I was in your room, but I needed your attention, so I went into your sisters room."

"Okay..... just get out of my house." I got up and pushed him out the door. He turned around and said "But, I followed you because I need to talk to you." So I pushed him back into my room and turned on my lamp.

His face is amazing.

He laughed and said "Thanks." I felt my face get red. "Thanks about what?"

"You said my face is amazing." "Did I say that outloud!? Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry."

Then I said "Wait, I didn't say that outloud." He laughed so hard. "SHHHH!" "Oh right sorry."

"I was reading your mind." He said. "Oh thats cool. So your one of those mind readers, right?" "You know what, it's late, we will talk about this tomorrow."

"Okay, but where do you want to talk. We cant talk here, my parents are going to think something is up." "Okay, go to the back of the library at 5:48."

"In the morning?" "Yes."

"What That's too early." "Umm yes."

"Stay here." I went downstairs and said to my parents "I'm going out at 5:48 tomorrow morning."

"Okay..... what no. Where the hell are you going at 5:00 in the morning?" "No where." I said

"Okay then if you are going no where then you are not going."

I walked back upstairs and said "What about 8:30 at night." "Ok." He said.

I walked back downstairs and said "Mommy....Daddy?" My Dad paused the TV and said "What do you want Brooklyn?" "Now I'm going to go out at 8:30 at NIGHT."

My Mom said "Where are you going?" "I'm going to the library." "With who?"

"Im going with Jasper, the kid upstairs." My Mom said "Oh, ok." I said "Thank you goodnight." I started walking upstairs until my dad said "I dont't even know this kid Brooklyn." "Dad, were are just studying."

He turned around and said "For what? Its the middle of summer!" "Well, we are just going to look up books, I promise." "No, your not going."

I walked downstairs and said "But why?"

"Because I dont think you are going to 'look up books.' "

"Dad! I promise." "Okay, but if you 'promise' so much then I am driving you and your friend there."

I felt my mouth open wider and wider. I had to take my hand and shut it.

I feel like I am going to explode. "Okay. My friend will met me, I mean us at 8:15."

"Okay good, now go to bed and I want him home." I walked over to my dad and gave him a kiss goodnight.

While I was walking upstairs I was thinking to myself

He is doing it to protect me. And I love my Dad for that and same with my mom. But really, he wants to drive me there?

I walked back into my room and told Jasper that my Dad is going to drive us. And he looked at me and said "Okay, as long as I will be with you."

Oh my gosh. I want to faint.

He said "Goodnight." And he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I'm still shocked from when he said that 'as long as he will be with me.'And NOW HE KISSED ME! This is great!

He looked at me one last time and jumped put of the window.


That caught me off guard.

 I ran over to the window and Jasper was on his feet.

What the hell?

I shut the window, then my curtains and layed down on my bed.

I love his lip ring. When he kissed me on the cheek his lips were warm but his lip ring was cold. It oddly felt good. I can't explain it. When he was holding the door knob earlier I noticed a tattoo of a circle with a dimond in it. Then in the dimond was a tree.

I have so many questions to ask him tomorrow.

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