Chapter 10

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We pull up infront of this nice little house. It looks like an old lady lives in it.

We all get out of the car, Harris and Adam come over to me and hold my arms.

I look at them confused. Adam says to me, "We have to do this. When ever we are around 'the boss'" Adam puts hand quotes up "We need to look very dark and bad. The only time we have fun is when we have to go get vampires or something."

When he's done talking we walk up to the house. A man, maybe in his mid 40s, opens the door.

"Oh! This is Brooklyn!? Bring her in, bring her in!"

They sit me down on a really nice chair.

"Okay well, your going to have to stay here for a little while until-" He says

"DAD!" Chase yells "You can't just being someone in and say 'Oh hi I'm Richard and I'm going to kill you because my son turned you into a vampire' that's not right. you can't just say that. Even though it will happen-"

"How long will I be staying here?" I ask

Everyone looks at me. The guy Richard laughs and says "Your going to he staying here until you, umm how could I say this in the nicest way, umm pass away."

Before I could say anything Chase says "And I'm going to bring Jasper, Axel, Cole and Roxxy here to watch you pass. We did the same thing to Cole and his girlfriend."

I dont even want to talk.

I thought really hard. And I'm hoping that Jasper can hear me.

Are you almost here. Because they are going to bring you and the others in the watch me freaking die! How the hell could you do this to me!?  I really thought you loved me Jasper.

A second after I thought that Jasper said I do love you Brooklyn and I am really trying to get you out, I promise. Cole teleported out of the ice and we are waiting for Roxxy to get unfrozen. We will be right there. And remember I will always love you, no matter what happenes

I love you too. I thought.

Adam says "Why are you crying, Brooklyn?"

I didn't even know I was crying.

I said "I got something in my eye."

Harris and Kent say "Ya okay."

And they start laughing. But then all of a sudden, they are on the floor crying in agony.

"Whats happening to them!?" I scream

Richard is looking at them and says "Are you guys done laughing? There is not any fun in this vampire shit right now. Do you understand me?"

And they are crying.

Then they stop, they get up wiping the tears from there eyes. Chase and I are looking at them. Then we look at each other and look at Richard.

Does Richard have a power that gives people pain? I ask Jasper

Ya he does. Who did he do it on? Because if he did it on you, I might run my ass over there right now and kill him

No, he did it on Harris and Kent.

He doesn't anwser back.

Richard looks at his son and back at me.

"Harris get her bed ready. Kent go and get my 2 sons and their little friends and bring them here."

Harris goes upstairs and Kent goes out of the door.

Richard says "Its getting late, go take a shower and get to bed."

I practically run upstairs and take a hot shower. Wait, I have no clothes

I wrap and towel around my self and walk into the room I'm sleeping in across the hall.

There are boy clothes on my bed.


I get into bed and all I can think about is Jasper and how amazing he looks. And that I really hope that they are coming for me.

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