Chapter 13

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I opened my eyes and I was back in the living room. When I looked down I was Jasper.

Okay good, now let me just say the right thing to get out of here.

I look to my left and Axel is tied to the back of the chair, hunched over crying and screaming in pain.

I yell "What are you doing to him?!"

"Dont worry." Richard says "Your next."

Axel's mouth is duct taped. So he really can't scream loud, but holy crap its still loud.

"H- How come you let Cole and Roxxy go?" I ask

I want to hear it from him. Not what Cole and Roxxy said.

"Because." He says "Wait, why do you want to know?"

"Just asking." I say.

Looks at Axel then me. "Do you really think I believed Cole when he said that Roxxy wasnt a vampire?" He says "No because my idiot son just thinks its okay to turn people into vampires." The screams are louder. Its muffled.

"And because I really didn't want to hear Cole crying like a baby, like how he is right now. And Roxxy is a bitch."

"Will you STOP?!" I scream yell

Then Axel sits up, eyes wide and screams from the top of his lungs. Then he collapses in the chair, breathing heavy. "Your next." Richard says

I hear a buzzing. Its coming from Richard's pocket. "Hold on, I will be right back."

He runs upstairs.

I turn my head and ask Axel "Are you okay?"

Hes still breathing heavy. He nods his head

"By the way, this is Brooklyn."

He looks up from his lap confused. One eyebrow up.

I say, "When I go back into my body, I am going to tell Chase to come in here and knock your dad out. Okay? So I'm sorry but you have to deal with the pain a little longer."

He nods.

"Where is he? Did you say he ran away?" I hear Richard yelling upstairs. "Chase? My favorite son? Where is he? Tell Me where he is right- hello?"

Axel and I are both looking up at the top of the stairs. Axel looks like he wants to jump out of that seat and kill someone.

When Richard comes back downstairs I think it is the best time to leave.

I whisper "Bye." and close my eyes and think about going back into my body.

I open my eyes and I'm in Chases arms. I'm breathing really heavy and Chase's hand is in my hair.

Cole and Roxxy are yelling but then when they see me they fall silent. All eyes are on me.

Chase says "What just- nevermind, tell us everything."

I tell them everything.

Now everyone is looking at Chase. Roxxy says "Are you going to go in their?"

Chase says "Ya, I'm going to have to right? They are my brothers. But Brooklyn needs to come with me."

My jaw just hit the floor. "No way."

"I think you should." We all look up and Harris is turned all the way around in the drivers seat listening to everything. "I mean, you were in Jasper's body." he says "and you saw everything that happened.

I roll my eyes "Fine."

Roxxy and Cole say "Goodluck." 

Roxxy looks back out the window and Cole says "Brooklyn, kick some ass for me would ya?"

I laugh and hop out of the car.

Chase and I walk up to the front step and is about to ring the door bell. I look back and see everyone in the car looking at us.

Chase wipes a hand across his face and laughs. "Whats so funny?" I ask

"Nothing." Chuckles "Am I really going to ring the doorbell?"

He opens the door and Richard, Axel and Jasper all look at us. Now it looks like Jasper's the one in pain.

His beautiful mouth is now covered in duct tape. Axel is struggling to get out of the ropes

Jasper is screaming and crying just like how Axel was. Then Jasper stops moving and starts breathing heavy. "Oh look who showed up!"

Adam comes out of no where and grabs my hands and Kent grabs Chase's hands.

Chase says "What is wrong with you?!"

Richard claps and Adam and Kent let go of us. "Take Axel outside, I will talk to him later, and Chase, Brooklyn and Jasper stay here."

Does Axel know the plan?

What plan? Jasper says

The plan where Harris is going to take Roxxy, Cole, Chase and us to the house and stay there.

Oh ya, that plan. He knows about that. And what about Adam and Kent.

I think I don't know, do you want them to stay with us, or stay with your father?

Us. He sounded irritated.

Axel is already outside, I think he is in the car. Kent looks out of the window and says "Sir, I-I will be right back."

Richard nods

Did you just tell Kent to leave with them

Jasper nods slowly.

Richard looks at Jasper and I "Are you both talking to each other?"

He comes closer to me and Chase steps in the way "If you lay a finger on herit will be the end of you."

Richard throws his head back in laughter "Oh look at the little boy defending his girlfriend. Hold on, arent Jasper and you." He points at me "Going out?"

I look at my toes "Wow, thats really something. The boyfriend isnt even standing up for the girlfriend, no but the my loser son Chase is defending you."

Chase throws a punch at Richards head, but right around Chases hand is a light red force field.

Jasper is buring holes in my head. Sorry

I don't really want to talk to him. Richard is right in a way, he didnt even stand in front of me or anything. Am I being selfish?

I look behind Richard and a lamp is flying towards him and then the force field comes behind his head and doesnt even touch him. The lamp just hits the floor.

"Wow. I thought my sons would never hurt me."

Jasper looks really angry "Are you freaking kidding me. You gave me agony for 20 minutes."

Chase's fist is clenching and unclenching. Jaspers jaw tightened.

Chase pushed me behind him.

Dis Jasper loose feelings for me? You know what I should stop thinking about that because that doesnt even matter right now. Chase's hand is on my shoulder.

It's weird, I feel really protective when ever I am around him.

Richard says "Oh and by the way, we have a guest upstairs."

We all look at him confused. "Do you want me to bring her down?"

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