Chapter 6

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"But before I find out my second power, shouldn't I tell my parents?" I said. He looked at confused "What are you talking about, oh that! Ya we should."

"Wait, what are you talking about, I'm telling my parents." I said.

He got closer to me "No, we are both telling your parents." I started walking downstairs and he was right behind me. I said "Mom, Dad? I need to talk to you for a minute."

My Mom said "What do we need to talk about?" Then Jasper held my hand. My dad got up from the table, he almost knocked it down. Then my Dad pushed Jasper against the wall. "If you two are going to tell me that-" Looks at me. "You are pregnant, I'm going to kill you. Literally."

"DAD! That's not-" As I was saying that Jasper did somehing that surprised me so much, I don't even have words for what he just did.

He flew my Dad across the room. When he got up from just being smashed against the freaking wall, he was holding his head in pain. I yelled "JASPER!" he yelled back "WHAT?! I don't like it when someone puts their hand on me!"

My Mom was screaming. She said "Brooklyn, tell me what the hell just happened or I'm going to call 911."

I said "Mom, don't I will explain. I know this will sound crazy, but Jasper turned me into a vampire."

"Ya, ok. All I know right now is that my husband was just throw across the room by a 16 year old." She said. She started walking towards the phone.

"Mom, please." I walked over to her a garbbed her wrist. It looked like she was getting electrocuted.

Then she collapsed to the floor. "MOM!" She got up and said "I never thought my daughter was a monster, until now."

"Mom, please I'm not."

Then Bella came down stairs and ran over to Jasper. Then Jasper picked her up. While Jasper was talking to Bella about what we are going to do, I started writing a note to my parents.

Dear Mom and Dad,

please forgive me, I'm not a monster I promise. That night at the library Jasper turned me into a vampire. I am a good vampire, I would never hurt you guys. So Jasper and I are running away to go to a safe place so the bad vampires dont kill us. I love you. -Brooklyn

"Alright ready to go?" I gave Bella a kiss on the forehead. Then Jasper hugged her really tight.

We were walking towards the door then we heard a loud bang. The person yelled "OPEN UP BLAKE!" I looked up at Jasper and his eyes were wide.

I guess that's his last name.

Then I heard his voice in my head. It is

I thought Wait Jasper, so now you and I can have conversations in my head?


I thought Good.

Jasper turned around and picked up my parents and brought them upstairs to their room. Then picked up Bella and brought her to her room and said "Stay here. When I leave I will call you. Okay?" She couldn't even speak she was so scared, she just nodded her head. With that I gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked downstairs. Jaspers chest was out and ready to fight. Then the voice outside said "Jasper, don't make me do this." Jasper pushed me behind him. Then the person teleported into my living room. Jasper said "What do you want Cole?"

Cole said "Jasper trust me I'm here to help you. Please, The Assembly took me in and then I ran away."

"I don't think I can trust you Cole." Jasper said.

Cole's eyebrows looked like they were going to touch the ceiling when he saw me. "Well, this is Brooklyn." He teleported next to me grabbed my wrist and teleported back to the front of the door. I yelled "GET OFF ME!" Jasper stared walking towards me, but Cole said "No, Jasper believe me, I'm trying to get you out of this situation. Now please I'm sick of The Assemblys shit too. They took my girl and I never saw her again. They made me watch them kill her. And I wouldnt want that to happen to you two." Jasper looked at me and I looked back at him. I said "Wait, Jasper you never told me that they are going to kill me. Why didn't you tell me?" I felt like I was going to cry, but i can't infront of everyone.

He looked away and said "Because I love you and I don't want to lose you." I looked back at Cole whose hand was now around my waist. "Jasper, I love you too. Now lets get out of here."

Jasper now had a frown on his face. "Cole, get your hands off my girlfriend or I might kill you." His hands were immediately off my waist. Jasper walked over to us and Cole our wrists. In the blink on an eye we were in this small house. There were 2 people sitting on the couch looking at us. It looks like we interrupted something. Cole walked over to them and Jasper said ti me in my head:

I promise I will tell you everything later. Even about Cole and his girlfriend, me turning into a vampire, about this tattoo and about the Assembly.


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