Chapter 5

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"So what do we need to talk about?" I said

He looked nervous "Well, heres the thing I wasn't supposed to turn you into a vampire."

"WHAT?!" "Ya, I'm sorry."

I can not believe this. "So Jasper, what are you going to do now?" He looked at me in shock, then laughed "What WE are going to do is run away. We have to run to my house. We are not safe here. They will find us."

"Who is they?" I said

"The Assembly."

He has to be joking.

"I am not joking Brooklyn. This is serious. They might kill me. You have to tell your parents. I will start packing for you-" I cut him off and said "What do you mean tell my parents? Do you want me to say 'Oh hi mom, hi dad Jasper turned me into a vampire, and now people are trying to kill him. So Jasper and I have to run away. Love you.' Is that what you want me to say?"

"Yes, I want you to say that but only to your parents." He said

I said "No, that is not going to happen. No no no. Never."

"Brooklyn, you have too."

I said "Wait, but what is my power?" He looked shocked "Oh shit, I forgot. Okay then lets start."

He said "Alright look and that pillow on your bed and think about the pillow moving towards you."

I looked at the pillow and thought about the pillow moving towards me. He said "Brooklyn, you have to close your eyes."

So I closed my eyes and thought about the pillow moving towards me. But when I opened my eyes, the pillow was in the same place. "Jasper, I dont think-" I was cut of by a huge gush of wind hitting me.

I closed my eyes really tight.

When I opened my eyes I saw my body on the floor, unconscious. But I was still breathing.

What the hell is going on?!

I looked at my hands. Then I looked at the mirror and I was Jasper! I kept looking back at my body then the mirror.

All I could think of is how am I going to go back to myself?

Then I thought about me going into my body again.

I closed my eyes really tight again. When I opened my eyes Jasper was looking at me like I was crazy. I screamed "YES! I did it!" Jasper was still in shock. "Wait, so did you just go into my body?"

I am so happy right now! "Yes, yes I did." "Umm okay, I dont even know. I think I saw there the whole time, but I'm not sure if I was there. I am so confused."

Then a huge smile grew across his face and he said "Okay, I think we found your power. And that power will come in handy. But you need to practice on someone else. Not me."

"Okay but who?" I said. Jasper was serious for a moment. Then he had a big smile on his face again. He was walking towards the door.

His had was on the door knobe when he said "I love your sister, but she is the only one right now to practice on." But I didnt even have time to talk because he was already out of the door.

When he came back, Bella was holding his hand. "Hey." She said.

I said "Jasper, I'm scared." "Scared of what." Bella said

Jasper said "Bella sit by the wall and look at the wall okay?" "Okay." She said.

When Bella walked over, I was holding onto Jaspers arm. The he whispered "Do it now."

So I closed my eyes tight. Really tight this time.

When I opened my eyes again. Everything was small. Then I saw my body on the floor.

I looked up at Jasper and he was in shock. "So what now?" I covered my mouth.

My voice is very squeaky.

I said "Wait Jasper, don't vampires have two powers?" He walked over to me an picked me up. "Yes. See I can read peoples minds and I can move things with my mind."

I said "Quick question, when I go back into my body with Bella remember any of this?" He said "No she won't. She will just think that she was sleeping or taking a nap or something."

"Okay, let me just go back into my body." I closed my eyes and thought about being in my body.

And when I opened my eyes, I was back in my body. Bella was in Jaspers arms. She said "Oh sorry. I guess I was just really tired." He laughed and brought her back into her room.

When he came back I asked "How come you didnt think you were sleeping whe I cam back into my body?" He smiled and said "Because I'm a vampire."

I'm still really confused

 "Okay lets find out your second power!"

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