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they said their goodbyes that night on the drive to a motel near the restaurant

they said more goodbyes right before wyatt left. "don't ever forget about us, wyatt," y/n mumbled just loud enough for wyatt to hear her. she rested her head on his shoulder, holding back tears.

"i could never forget you, y/n."

"what are we gonna do without you, wyatt?" jack asked, pulling his knees up to his chest, tears streaming down his cheeks. wyatt shrugged.

"i want you to tell your kids about me though," wyatt requested. "tell y/n that. god knows she'll have one before too long," jack remarked.

"go fuck yourself, jack," y/n replied, chuckling. "if my dick could reach my asshole, believe me; i would."

wyatt rolled his eyes. "i'm really gonna miss you guys," he said.

"keep in touch, man. if you don't like her, you're welcome to come back with us," finn offered. wyatt nodded.

then he left.

and everyone cried.

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