2. Mistletoe

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Christmas Eve at my family's house was always a good one. It would usually consist of my mum, Kingsley and Tyson (my 2 brothers), Abbey (Briar's sister) and of course me and Bri.

My father passed away of lung cancer when I was 11, and everyone thought he was just smoking, but we found out that he was also a drug addict. Then finally my mum fell in love with Ryan and she was happy again, and they had a son- Kingsley. Not many people knew my story. Only my closest friends: Bri, Devon, Isaac and Alex Chaves. But hey, everyone has problems of their own, right?

My mum would always say to me, never be with a girl just because you can. Because you feel like it. No, find the one true person that makes you smile, stick with them to the very end, and let their smile never falter.

Briar's parents were loving people and they cared for their daughters dearly, but they were always abroad on some business meeting or the other, and said that they couldn't be back for Christmas. They would send Bri and Abbey all the money they needed and take care of their bills, but they were hardly ever here in person. Before, Briar and Abbey were living together at home with their aunt, but then Abbey had said that she wanted to stay there for school and Briar had to find a place in Toronto for TNS shooting and stuff. Now that shooting is nearly over though, just regionals left to do after the holidays, Bri spends most of her time at home with her sister, making both of them happier people.

Bri would always complain to me how awful she found it to live alone. Walking into the house and everything being cold and quiet, no sound other than your own. No one to talk to. It was 'pretty darn boring'. I however, loved my house, and didn't mind that I was alone. It gave me a sense of independence. This obviously meant that Briar was at my house more than she was at hers, only going back to sleep at night in many cases. And I was fine with that.

Both our families decked the place up big for Christmas, so you can imagine our excitement we climbed out of the car and onto the brightly lit driveway leading into my house.

"Hey!" both of us greeted my mum, who was at the door welcoming us. I looked up at the house, which was no disappointment. A large Santa Claus in lights and his sleigh stood at the centre piece, and around it there were light up baubles, reindeer, Christmas trees and huge LED stockings. At the door that we entered through hung a large green wreath entwined with holly berries. It was perfect.

The inside was equally as decorated, the house carrying a decadent smell of marshmallows and peppermint. I sensed the hot chocolate before it came, but I decided to greet everyone before I got settled in.

At the sound of our voices, my youngest brother Kingsley and Bri's younger sister Abbey came pounding down the stairs.

"Hello!" We smiled. I give a quick hug to each of them, ruffling my brother's hair slightly before pulling away.

"Have you been taking good care of my sister?" Abbey jokingly questioned me. She had startling red hair and a fiery personality to match, but I loved her as if she was my own sister.

"Yes, I've kept her fed and watered," I joked back, heading towards the lounge.

"Where's Tyson?" Briar questioned the whereabouts of my older brother.

"Upstairs blasting music," responded Kingsley. "TYSON GET DOWN HERE!" My brother practically screamed. It was incredible how much sound could come out of that little body.

The tone of Kingsley's voice made it sound like there was an earthquake, hence the rushed speed in which my brother jumped down the stairs.

"What?" I heard Tyson ask worriedly.

"Myles and Briar are here," Kingsley announced, somewhat anti-climatically, as Tyson sighed with relief and walked into the living room where we were sitting.

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