Part 1

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It's was about the middle of the night, the whole kingdom was silent. The castle that lay in the middle of the kingdom was also very quiet, other than the marching steps of tired guards. And in said castle a single window opened in one of its many halls. A figure slowly crept inside of the lonesome hall through the opened window. The figure was short in stature and slim. The figure showed off a tail that swayed from side to side slowly, and curled ram horns. The figure could be recognized as a male demon. The demon stayed close to the wall of the corridor, the only thing disrupting the silence was his careful footsteps.

Many weeks had passed since he had actually gotten peaceful sleep. Just like the previous days insomnia bothered the young man..Maybe a warm drink could help..he slipped in to the massive kitchen and placed a kettle on the stove..

 In the dimly lit room his sand colored hair appeared to be a light brown..Odd how the prince knew how to do the task of fixing himself something, Wasn't it a commoners job?

The thief still walked amongst the long corridor. He was in search of the castles treasury, but he simply couldn't find it. He started to check room by room, but was only greeted by locked doors. The demon sighed and tried one last door before giving up. He reached out and gripped the handle, and to his surprise, easily opened it. He emerged into a large room that seemed to be a bedroom. He glanced around. Was it a guest room? No it seemed personalized. He stepped more into the room. Standing in front of a window which shown bright moon light through its glass. The moon light showed dimly more if the thief himself. He had pale skin and wore all black. His emerald orbs the only color he had.

Luke had never been keen on noticing someones presence. Cup of tea in hand he opened the door to his chambers..Slippers hit the flooring . Just five paces away was the couch that faced the window..The tall figure seemed shorter when it was seated.

 His eyes widened as he saw the silhoutte of a being.."I-INTUDER!" he suddenly stood and it caused the cup to break and spill on the hard wood floor

The thief stood frozen in place, starring at the prince as he just casually sat down. But right when the other yelled and stood, the demons instincts kicked in. He bolted for the door, tripping over his own tail in the panic of escape. He skidded a few feet, his head making a loud clank in the floor due to his horn.

His pursuit did not last for even a minute when the next moment his hands were on the other..Holding his wrists behind him.."WHO ARE YOU! Are you a spy! Did you intend to kill me!?" His voice quivered in anger..He has had enough of these death threats

The demon shook slightly at the enraged voice. He shook his head and began to thrash around, trying to get his wrists free from the others grip. "Let go of me!" His voice was soft yet demanding.

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