Part 2

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The voice he heard was so soft he could almost be sure it was a female..He calmed down lightly..but still held a grip.."Who are you intruder!?" he asked with genuine curiosity

The demon also calmed down with his thrashing around. "I'm a thief." He glanced over his shoulder at the prince. He glared slightly like a cat would at a lion. "Now let go of me" he gave another tug at his wrist.

"That is an unjustified request." he kept his hold on him by tying him up with the curtain he ripped with a hand. "In my country criminals are punished" brown eyes glinted with authority

A growl emended from his throat. "I haven't done anything wrong, all I said I was a thief. For all you know I haven't stole anything yet and this is my first time" He clawed at the fabric with his long sharp black nails.

"One cannot be a thief without having stolen. A play with terms..:" he frowned.."Did you not intend to steal here" he prodded his forehead with his index finger..Filthy criminals just disgust me..

But if they i tend to steal before they do, they're consider a thief. Are they not?" The demon clawed more at the curtain, it became looser.

Luke took it to himself to interrogate this one..Surely he is guilty of some crime..He held up the thief's chin and questioned even harsher.."What have you taken that is not yours!" Staring directly at its emerald eyes..

The demon growled and his pupils became slits. "From what I know, nothing of value." He clawed at the curtain again and it gave a satisfying ripping noise. He quickly leaped back from the prince, hissing at him showing his pearly white fangs. "And if you choose not to threaten, me I won't steal your life" that was a bluff, the thief might be a demon, their kind known for violence and sin. But he didn't plan on hurting anything or anyone.

The noble was definitely suprised at what the thief turned out to be..But his resolve did not falter. He was a monarch chosen by God..A warrior of the past. An armor was in fact in the room. Quickly he acquired a sword and pointed it to the hissing creature.

The demons eyes widened at the sight of the withdrawn sword. He couldn't help but back away a few steps. He especially didn't want to get hurt. "Keep away!" He kept glancing at the sword and then at the noble. His eyes swirled with emotions from terror to anger.

"I Will NOT!" he voiced with volume far from a normal tone. On the contrary he advanced and his feet slowly inched closer until the other was backed behind a wall.."It is my duty to protect my state and practice its laws.." His breath was rasping as his lungs felt heavy and ailed..

The brave one staggered and clutched at his chest..Keeled over on the demons feet

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