Part 8

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Zara glanced at their hands. He tried fidgeting his fingers around to loosen Luke's grip, feeling his nail scrape against his palm made him flinch though. "um......"

"Do you hate me..for doing this.." Luke was awefully forcing himself on the other..He realized this and snapped into better judgement..He is disgusted after all..The prince inches away and frees his grip

It took a moment for Zara to respond. His gaze returned back to his lap. With a bit of hesitance he shook his head slightly.

"I-im sorry.." an apologetic smile decorated his sad face.."I just..there is no excuse.." his eyes wandered to the side and there sounded a sigh

The silence was awkward, and it made a heavy atmosphere. About for what felt like ten minutes Zara sighed. "If you want to know me......ask questions.." Was this a good choice? To make some sort of relationship with Luke, a /prince/. He was probably digging himself in a whole, oh well.

"Were you...human once? Why did you choose to steal from this castle of all places..Do I seem desperate?" the questions flowed from an unknown fountain. He had more to ask. A lot more. His breaths gradually normalized and the pace of his heart followed..Although it was fully not recovered over the pump of adrenaline

At the first question Zara shook his head. "No, born. I'm a pureblood demon" his voice was quite. He glanced up at Luke. "because I know there's riches here, that's why."

"I see..My country is rich but us royalty have few treasures.." he looked down..It would be heart wrenching if the answer was otherwise..that zara was a mortal before..Transformed and never to return to his normal state..."We have nothing more than our bloodlines, valuable works of art and lesser gold or jewelry than our neighbors"

Zara simply nodded at the statement. He looked back down at his lap, fiddling with his thumbs. He couldn't tell if this atmosphere was tense or normal, either way it made him feel kind of uneasy.

Once again Luke reached for his hand...he was never much of a touchy person but Zara was a different..he felt at ease..that he did not to act as a royal. Strong and dignified , he was told to always appear. And maybe there was this relief ..a haven from all the duties

Zara looked at their held hands, well more like his hand being held. He glanced up at Luke yet again "if your not careful you might get scratched" It wasn't a threat, though it was a warning. Many times Zara had accidentally scratched someone when they shook his hand.

"I dont mind.." he says with a soft smile..He would endure a small wound if it meant holding Zara. Warmth from the prince was shared to the other through the clasped fingers

His hands were starting to sweat now, he could feel his pulse quickening. He gave a small tug to try to free his hands. "Can you let go now..." Zara gave another tug, a small blush, almost hardly noticeable, went across his features.

He released his hold with reluctance..."If you say so.." That exact moment would be a permanent priceless treasure for Luke. Any movement that he attempted seems to make Zara uncomfortable. He noticed this and felt deflated insideZara repositioned, going to the other side of the bed and leaning against the wall. He looked towards the window, it was about nine already. He sighed and returned his gaze back to Luke "How long am I suppose to stay here" not that he was willing to go on the long trek home, but this was still weird for him.

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